The infamous USB port!!


Dec 19, 2003
England, SW London, Hampton
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The usb driver to download for me, is called W98.

This 'driver' is nothing but a text document!!?

i am having the usual problem of not being able to connect through the pc-link host because 'GP32 failed to open USB port'.

i have windows 98.

Please help, i beg of you.
Then what did you download and where?
The zipfile from Gamepark holds two files, the 'textfile' called GP32USB (all capitals) is an install-file. When you right-click it you will see a right-click menu with the option 'install (second option)
**again, apology for the double posting**

In the step by step flow chart on ,

you need to download and install GP32 Authentication Wizard before the USB driver.

But to install the Authentication wizard the USB port has to work!!!!
I edited my post:

The zipfile from Gamepark holds two files, the 'textfile' called GP32USB (all capitals) is an install-file. When you right-click it you will see a right-click menu with the option 'install (second option)
Yes, i see the 'textfile' called GP32USB (all capitals).

When I right-click it I see a right-click menu with the option 'install (second option).

I click on 'Install'.

.............nothing happens.
Skop posted on Dec 25 2003 at 08:45 PM said:
Yes, i see the 'textfile' called GP32USB (all capitals).

When I right-click it I see a right-click menu with the option 'install (second option).

I click on 'Install'.

.............nothing happens.
There is not going to be some program popping up or something, installing a usb-driver is just a minor thing. After this your usb-port should work (possibly after rebooting)
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i'm going to paste what it says in the GP32USB file. it might help people to help me to get my USB working.

Signature="$Windows NT$"

1="GP32 USB","",1



%USB\VID_0EB6&PID_3232.DeviceDesc%=GP32USB.Dev, USB\VID_0EB6&PID_3232


;BULKUSB.Files.Ext = 10,System32\Drivers
;BULKUSB.Files.Inf = 10,INF
GP32USB.Files.Ext = 10,System32\Drivers
GP32USB.Files.Inf = 10,INF

CopyFiles=GP32USB.Files.Ext, GP32USB.Files.Inf

CopyFiles=GP32USB.Files.Ext, GP32USB.Files.Inf

Addservice = GP32USB, 0x00000002, GP32USB.AddService

DisplayName = %GP32USB.SvcDesc%
ServiceBinary = %10%\System32\Drivers\GP32USB.sys
LoadOrderGroup = Base





USB\VID_0EB6&PID_3232.DeviceDesc="GamePark GP32 USB"
GP32USB.SvcDesc="GP32 USB"

any suggestions?
**sorry about double posting**

look, i think it is either a problem with the usb cord (which i doubt) or that the PC just doesn't acknoledge that the GP32 is there.

I know that it should when you first power it up, and thats what happened to me.

Realising I had mucked up somewhere down the setting up process, I deleted all gamepark files and started again.

But now it the PC has already recognised it and won't let me reselect.

I got my gp32from and it comes with a setting up manual.

The manual has a different technique to setting up the gp32 than and others.

I, in a desperate struggle have been using both techniques.

Both failing because the USB fails to open, or the computer tells me it can't open.

Now unless I wipe clean my computer's memory, I don't see how I can resolve this.

Just got it today and already feeling like selling it because my computer seems void of setting it up now.

I don't think anyone is going to read that entire file.
Could you be more clear about what the problem is:
-you downloaded the drivers (zipfile)
-extracted the zipfile (giving you 2 files)
-rightclicked the install-file, and chose 'install'
-rebooted your pc
-installed the GP32 Authentication Wizard and followed the directions

Where in this process did it go wrong?

Did you plugin your Gamepark before installing the drivers? If so: is there an 'unknown device' in your device-list?

I'd like to help but need more detailed information.
Okay: you say your pc already recognised it and won't let you reselect: that means there has to be an unknown device in your device-list.
(click 'start' 'settings' 'control panel' click 'system' and click 'device manager')
There should be a device under 'usb-controllers' with a questionmark in a yellow cirkle in front of it. You should right-click it and delete it.

After that you reboot and should be able to install again.
Very important - are you plugging it in the FRONT or BACK of your computer? If plugging it in the front, try the back. If plugging it into a USB hub, try directly plugging it into your computer.
AFAIK .sys files are hidden. Goto something like Tools->Folder Options when you are in the folder with the files in it then find an option about hidden files, and tell it to show all. You should see the .sys file...
**the story so far**

right, following raven's device manager instructions, i was able to install again.

BUT - NOW on GP's fw157e++ firmware PC link **the main one** instead of the usual 'waiting' it now has a 'USB Error Check PC link application'.

Bingo, found the GP32Usb.sys file.

not sure what to do with it. you can't right-click and install like the other one.

This is turning into a right nightmare isn't it?

Can i just swap it for one that's already set up and the USB works? :P
The text file sets up the .sys file, so you don't even need to see it, which is why it's normally hidden.

"USB Error" normally means either the cable isn't in properly, or Windows has not recognised that the device is there. Go into PCLink mode, connect up the cable, and then see what Windows is saying is on your USB ports (device manager).