Joystick of Centre


Still Fresh
Apr 16, 2003
I just got my GP32 today and the joystick its stuck to the bottom right as seen in my crappy blurry picture below, is this normal? I want to send it back to the guy I bought it from but its easter holiday so its gonna take about a week before I get another one back (plus the hastle of going to the post office paying for postage etc). Its pushed so far over that when you move it to the bottom right you only make contact with one microswitch rather than 2 because the joystick hits the side of the casing. If it is a normal design flaw that the joystick sits off centre and the majority of GP32s are like this then I'll have to put up with it but if its not then I'll get it replaced.



Oh yeah this is my first post so hello every one I'm gonna hang around here from now on :D

no its not meant to be like that. have a look around at pictures of GP32 on reviews and stuff to see what it is meant to be like
All the pics that I saw have straight ones (My GP32 will come sat.), but they are from GamePark, so they could have used a perfect one or altered the pic but I think that it isn't likley.
hehe, mine ain't like that
of course i left my gp at work so i canne say but mine not like that
I got mine from Craig too. It was perfect except the battery door looks like it came off a return, it's kind of dirty looking. Weird.

Anyway, my grubby fingers are on the battery door all the time, so who cares.

Looks like you got a bad joystick. I haven't heard of that happening.
it shouldnt be too hard to recentre

just hold the gp base and move it into position

if it feels like its gonna snap, stop :D
I'm not gonna try to recentre it just in case it does break, I'll be better off sending it back and getting it replaced. I'll just have to put up with my trusty old GBA a little longer
I've noticed that my joy stick is slightly off-centre too, not as much as this chap's but still enough to make control a little hard... I broke my right shoulder button too, playing Archer Macleans Drop Zone on snes9xgp!!

Oh yeah, I'm hardcore :D
The Wub posted on Apr 16 2003 said:
I've noticed that my joy stick is slightly off-centre too, not as much as this chap's but still enough to make control a little hard... I broke my right shoulder button too, playing Archer Macleans Drop Zone on snes9xgp!!

Oh yeah, I'm hardcore :D
mine also, and i got my GP32 from GBAX. :unsure: my joystick also rotates about 5 degrees either side of normal. :o
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I phoned gbax today and man am I impressed with their high level of customer service, I sound like an advert but yeah I'm impressed. They have sorted my problem :D :D :D
captain9fingers posted on Apr 17 2003 said:
I phoned gbax today and man am I impressed with their high level of customer service, I sound like an advert but yeah I'm impressed. They have sorted my problem :D :D :D
i'll take a photo of mine soon and see if it's worth sending back. :angry:
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The only reason mine is going back is because the joystick won't function as an 8 way controller and is way of centre (the stick hits the side of the housing before it makes contact with 2 microswitches making 8 way control impossible) if it was just because it was off centre but still worked as an 8 way controller I would have put up with it.
captain9fingers posted on Apr 17 2003 said:
The only reason mine is going back is because the joystick won't function as an 8 way controller and is way of centre (the stick hits the side of the housing before it makes contact with 2 microswitches making 8 way control impossible) if it was just because it was off centre but still worked as an 8 way controller I would have put up with it.
pressing right sometimes doesn't work, but before reading this post i was unaware there were jopypad problems and just thought it was me and/or the software being slow. :rolleyes:
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I have only now contacted Craig about my joypad problem due to a busy Easter period.


Right and diag-Rights often fail as reported above, though I admit not as serious as captain9fingers problem... also on my unit there are black marks at two places (1. below Select button, 2. near SMC slot) in the white plastic as if some dirt was introduced during the injection moulding of the case (not pictured). :angry:
@ stickofjoy

Yeah mine does that too

First off, my stick is off-center to the right like the picture posted. And it also rotates a little bit clockwise, "About 5 degrees" !!!!! :D


However, it seems to work just find so I really don't care.
The joystick on my replacement is bang on centre and functions perfectly , it does twist a little but no where as bad as the other one. Maybe they dont have QC in Korea.
captain9fingers posted on Apr 23 2003 said:
The joystick on my replacement is bang on centre and functions perfectly , it does twist a little but no where as bad as the other one. Maybe they dont have QC in Korea.
this is a delicate part of the system and i bet a bugger to get right anyway! :blink:
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QC = Quality Control... it may be hard to get right, but that doesn't mean that when it's wrong you let it go out the door! Not a dig on Craig, he can't double-check, and only a minor dig at Gamepark... obviously 99% of the systems are good or more people would be screaming here :).