Joystick Problems


Still Fresh
Nov 4, 2010
Okay, I put my Caanoo in my pocket to carry around and stuff and I noticed one day that the joystick was kind of wobbly. I played with it a bit and it went into place and was normal. It has done this a few times now and went back to normal except for today. No matter what I do, the joystick will not quit being wobbly. When I push the joystick all the way to the left, It wont go back to center position without me pushing it there. Is there a trick to getting it back in place?
Hmm, this is worrying. I take pretty good care of mine, but I'd hate to break the little guy just by carrying it in my coat pocket.
Well, the joystick spins around and stuff and still has went back into place. I am debating on taking my Caanoo apart.
I have a problem with my joystick too. Well, it happened a few days after getting my Caanoo. Lately i've been noticing that the analog stick isn't functioning properly. For example, pushing up or down once may occasionally cause the cursor to jump up or down twice. Pushing left or right in the menu also does the same thing. Trying to navigate through the system menu is even worse. Pushing any direction once occasionally may make the cursor jump in random directions. I've tried to reset the system setting to see if it would help, but unfortunately it doesn't. I've also tried updating the firmware with the latest firmware update, but that made no difference..I guess I would have to get it repaired. I'm not sure if its a hardware issue or a software issue.
Gio32k said:
I have a problem with my joystick too. Well, it happened a few days after getting my Caanoo. Lately i've been noticing that the analog stick isn't functioning properly. For example, pushing up or down once may occasionally cause the cursor to jump up or down twice. Pushing left or right in the menu also does the same thing. Trying to navigate through the system menu is even worse. Pushing any direction once occasionally may make the cursor jump in random directions. I've tried to reset the system setting to see if it would help, but unfortunately it doesn't. I've also tried updating the firmware with the latest firmware update, but that made no difference..I guess I would have to get it repaired. I'm not sure if its a hardware issue or a software issue.

I have problems with mine going mad at times - I did mention it on the facbook GPH page - wonder weather they could service it for us

ruffnutts ;)
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Mine still has the problem of going left on its own, I no I could send it of to be looked at but do I really want to send it to Germany,
Does anyone have this problem and fixed it? maybe its dust or dirt not sure really its been doing it not long after I bought it,
Any ideas what could cause it... bad solder points ect... maybe I could fix it myself, lol or buy a new one maybe,
I havnt played it that much really.. so there´s no way its ware and tear :blink:

One has to wonder what GPH were thinking when they went with a cheapo 3D nub for a hand held that plays mostly 2D games.
ruffnutts said:
Some guy on Facebook GPH page reckons a dead zone app could fix the problem, wonder weather its possible
It would at least relieve the problem and I don´t know, why it isn´t already part of the firmware.
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LTStone said:
I wonder if there is a way to "mod on" a regular dpad?

Thats a good point as it goes... might look in to it because I´m getting fed up with it now,
And I wont end up playing it at all anymore if I dont do something :(
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Mine always wants to go up by its own.
Sometimes, it helps to press down the analog stick and rotate it, while keeping it pressed down. Give it a few tries, because after the first try, it might even get worse, but it often worked for me (at least for the rest of the day).
Caanoo´s main menu goes a little crazy while rotating, because of an input delay, so I recommend you doing this, while you´re in a menu with just a few entries, like DrPocketSNES main menu.
ruffnutts said:
LTStone said:
I wonder if there is a way to "mod on" a regular dpad?

Thats a good point as it goes... might look in to it because I´m getting fed up with it now,
And I wont end up playing it at all anymore if I dont do something :(
You've got a PSP tucked away in a drawer, IIRC. Perhaps it and the Caanoo should trade places? ;)
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Berserk said:
ruffnutts said:
LTStone said:
I wonder if there is a way to "mod on" a regular dpad?

Thats a good point as it goes... might look in to it because I´m getting fed up with it now,
And I wont end up playing it at all anymore if I dont do something :(
You've got a PSP tucked away in a drawer, IIRC. Perhaps it and the Caanoo should trade places? ;)

lol Berserk
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I just opened my Caanoo to have a look. So, the analog nub is sitting on a very thin metal stick. If you move it, 4 small potentiometers take the movement. I have no idea for a mod, but I will use some contact-spray on it and hope this will help (I guess that´s what they do, if you send it in for a repair). Now that it is open, I think i will solve hidden pixels problem and paint it. British-racing-green, blue with silver race stripes?
Don´t know yet, anyone for an idea?
Cool Akabei, how easy was it to open? so your going for the hidden pixel problem, I dont see why people have to do all 4 edges,
Why not just file down the top edge an till the pixels are showing - or would that look odd lol..

Contact-spray have to look that up, as for the colours not sure, dont forget to post pics though :P

Good luck :D
You have to be careful, but it´s not too hard. I used a carpet cutter and a flat screwdriver, starting at the corner of the stylus.
I already shot some photos, but my KP500 has a really bad camera. Maybe tomorrow with my digital camera (batteries are empty). I´ll have to wait until next week, cause at the moment I don´t have sandpaper, contact spray and paint at home.

someoneElse just posted some pics. One of them shows a good picture of the analog controller.