Quick question just purcahsed a GP32. But it had lil drops of some sticky looking stuff almost like soda was spilt on the case...Wondering if anyone else had this stuff on the case. The GP32 works fine.
For some reason mine was real sticky at first, but it went away. There were also some weird blobs of soemthin er other on the screen, im guessing those are air bubbles on the AR film, luckily its very thin and at the top of the screen.
Well wen my gp 32 came it was terrible. !st it didnt come w/ a screen protector 2nd the screen is very sensitve and (even w/ very good care) got scratches 3rd it had blue markings (not sticky) that i had to clean off 4th the front light is weak and flickers :angry: 5th.....ahhhh thats it.
my gp had a weird stinkyness to it when i got it, i thought it was some sorta funky special pastic used for the casing, but it went away after a day or so.....
....i noticed this because it was during the height of the SARs epidemic in HK, i was imagine some dude packing my order sneezing on it or something.