Going to upgrade my computer this weekend!!

GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
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Hey people, sorry for my mispresence lately (if anyone actually noticed :P), been busy with stuff.. but now College is done for the holidays, and I'm loaded with cash (for once!!), so I think now's about time I should upgrade my computer..

I am going to get myself a graphics card and additional RAM to my current RAM. The graphics card wont be one of those overly expensive ones, since my computer's already fairly powerful (running on a 2GHz Pentium 4 processor), the graphics card is mainly so I can buy some o the latest PC games without slowdown or lags, which I've been experiencing with Unreal Tournament 2003 (and the original game runs with no slowdown whatsoever)..

But here's where your help comes in: In order for me to upgrade my RAM, I must first find out what type of RAM my computer's motherboard actually uses, but the trouble is that I am not allowed to open the tower casing, or else it will invalidate my warrenty (only PC World - the store where I got my comptuer from - are allowed to open it when upgrading my computer when it comes to the time).

Before I go to PC World this weekend to upgrade it (on Saturday I think), I gotta determine which type of RAM memory my computer uses so I can tell them directly rather than waste their time having them to find out for me, thus making me wait longer to get it installed by them.. so if anyone can tell me what nessiscary information they need to know about my computer, let me know and I'll reply with info, and then you can (hopefully) pin-point the RAM type for me :)
This where keeping around the original documentation and manuals comes in handy. I have never found a way to find out exactly what type of RAM you have without opening up the computer. You can only really tell how much you have if you open it up. I just tried doing this a while ago because I was so lazy as to open it up myself.

P.S. Did you read my post on the outgoing sound recording?
when u turn it on it should say somewhere there what type it is,
or if not look around in the bios mebbe its in there??
In documents which you shoudl get with your computer is manual for motherboard..and there certainly is written what type of RAM you motherboard can handle..
Yep, the type of RAM will be in the motherboard manual, and if you don't have that, just search the modle number/whatever of your motherboard, and you should find some info. But you don't have to open it up to find out how much RAM there is... Just right-click My Cumputer, click Properties then at the bottom of the window, you should see how much RAM you have...
rcx21000 posted on Dec 11 2003 at 06:19 AM said:
Yep, the type of RAM will be in the motherboard manual, and if you don't have that, just search the modle number/whatever of your motherboard, and you should find some info. But you don't have to open it up to find out how much RAM there is... Just right-click My Cumputer, click Properties then at the bottom of the window, you should see how much RAM you have...
I already know how to get RAM by going to control panel, all I need to know is WHAT type of RAM it is :P

Anyhow, I'll try look for my computer's motherboard documents and such, but If I cant find 'em I'll research using the computer model number.. where do I find the number? on the tower? the back of it?
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Found the Model Number of my machine, it was located on the back of my tower and it's exactly as follows:

I MEDIA 5083

Hope this helps determine my motherboard's RAM type usage :)
I bought my PC from PC World and they gave me the same crap about the warranty being invalidated if I removed the cover. I completely ignored them and had the cover off the same day to stick my old HD is as a second (strangely enough PC World offer a file transfer service at no small fee!!).

There were no special tamperproof stickers or anything on my PC so how would they know I'd been inside unless I slipped with the screwdriver of something daft like that? Especially since, despite what the adverts would have you believe, you got as much chance of finding an expert in PC World as you have a virgin in Essex!

I wonder how legal it is to invalidate warranties this way anyway, especially as it seems to be a ploy to get them more cash as they offer to do all the upgrades for you as long as you're willing to pay their extortionate prices!

As you can probably tell I'm no fan of PC World but they are cheap so can be handy if you can't wait for stuff to be delivered from the internet.
Dont buy from pc world they are overly expensive and will blag you.I suggest mpc-direct found here:-


They have a lot of good things and deals .

If you dont know what ram youve got please count how many pins re on the module when you take it out of the motherboard, Can you tell me what motherboard you have got then ii canjn tell you exactly what you could get and i could createa price list if you would like?

Peecees are inferior in so many ways... :angry:
Macs can do pretty much everything windoze can do (including running Win 3.1-XP)
there is really no reason to keep slagging along with WinXP if you are going to upgrade, so you might as well get a mac

and since ur in college you get an education discount! :)
thecheat posted on Dec 11 2003 at 11:40 PM said:

Peecees are inferior in so many ways... :angry:
Macs can do pretty much everything windoze can do (including running Win 3.1-XP)
there is really no reason to keep slagging along with WinXP if you are going to upgrade, so you might as well get a mac

and since ur in college you get an education discount! :)
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blipped4 posted on Dec 12 2003 at 02:53 AM said:
i disagree with you macs cant ruyn any other os than the mac osx
It can run Linux as well.
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ok, I think I've determined that my motherboard uses DDR DIMM type RAM, so with that outta the way, here's what upgrades I am considering on getting:



I figured I dont need an overly expensive graphics card since my processor alone is quite powerful (a 2.5GHz pentium 4 processor, incase I have not mentioned yet), and with the additional RAM I guess I'll be able to play these newer PC games or run certain apps that seem to go very slow on my comp at the moment.. whacha reckon?
45 quid for 256 meg of ram! lol

try www.ebuyer.co.uk 27.71 for 256 meg of the same branded kingston memory or 43.99 for 512 meg of samsung

Don't buy a fx5200 it sucks big time - terrible card. Pretty usless for playing the latest games.

With the cash you save buying the ram and its 80 quid for fx5200 from pc world get a Hightech ATI Radeon 9000 PRO for 93.36 from there.
Thats got a hell of a lot more horse power.. just google for a view reviews of the chipset and you'll see the difference

pc worlds is run by muppets ;)
The thing is that I need to buy whatever upgrades I am getting from PC World only, since they have to open the tower case for me to upgrade it (opening the case myself invalidates my warranty), so help me find the best stuff from PC World, and yet it has to be affordable, but I got tons o cash anyway.. just dun wanna spend way too much :unsure: