FCOL32 - You all know the drill


Still Fresh
Oct 7, 2003
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With the release of FCOL32, I'd figure we should post some recomendations for various classic games that colecovision supports. Personally I've never really interacted with this console so I just would like to ask the community to point me or anyone else who reads this in the right direction towards FCOLing bliss. Thanks in advance to everyone, and thanks to ryleh for taking the time to create this product.
Don't think so.

Arcade conversions on Coleco were particularly good. At least until it got up to 6502 or better based games, then they all started going to hell. Games like Gyruss though, they play better on Coleco than other versions (I think it's on Atari 2600 and C64...the C64 is very good but not -as- good)

There's a few good non-ports too. Didn't Zenji have issues with emulation for a long time? It's on c64 anyway. I'd play it on that myself. But getting on track...the Coleco was the halfway point between Atari's and the 1985-1989 8-bit generation. It's got a lot of stuff on other systems (MSX games like Antarctic Adventure for example). It's a good all-round system with few weaknesses, but few strengths as well. At least that's how I see it. (I am talking about games, of course)
Vampire is good. I especially like how your character is so tiny until you enter a Dungeon.
Btw, does anyone know how to get pass the skull in The Smurfs? He seems too tall to jump over!
here's my recommendations for the fab fcol32:

boulderdash - repton style retro'ness
spy hunter - a classic!
defender - not the best version but still cool
gyruss - tempest like shooter
monkey academy - you have to do SUMS!?
qbert - isometric bouncy ting
zenji - damn fine original pipe twisting shenannigans

for some reason it's extra pleasing that the roms are so damn small

enjoy! :P