How did you find out about the GP32?

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Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
Visit site
I was thinking about how the word gets around about the GP32 and if you guys have just always known about it.....

I never heard of it until I went on sharereactors website and saw an advert for something that "Plays DivX, MAME, Atari, C64 and lots more!" and was curious. The next week, I ordered it. :D
i read an article about it in a magazine...... That really got me interested in it and i therefore purchased. I think you should add some sort of article method in your poll. :)

There has also been several other topics similar to this one such as here and here. - Hope this was helpful. :)

ps:- also here - As you can tell, I am very bored! :lol:

here, also - but i suppose none of them had a poll.....
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I accidently found out about it on, I was looking at Atari jaguar stuff, when I saw GP32 and thought, what the hell is that, it directed me to and the rest is history :P
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I saw tiny article about the concept in N64 magazine(pre-NGC) I searched on the net and found nothing, so i forgot about it. A year or so later i was browsing on lik-sang, saw it, then did some research and bought one.
I saw different pic's of it online and checked the GamePark website for about a year (hazy) before the machine was actually released.

As much as I liked handhelds, it thought it was a joke when someone there wrote about an impending "GP64-like" device even before the GP32 was released.

I totally dismissed the system upon launch; I was gun shy after the short lived NGPC. Then I rediscovered it on Yak's (Jeff Minter) website forums.

If Jeff Minter likes it, it has to be worth it!
My Friends MSN Name (Davey G) was something like "Just got a GP32" and I asked him "WTF Is a GP32??????" hehe... Then I got one 2 months later :D
Hmmm... I remember looking for replacement parts for this guy's son's Gamecube. He was this guy I worked with over the summer on my internship. I came across it on and I was more attracted to it having an open development license and that the code structure was gcc. I was always kind of hoping for something to developing on game-wise. This looked like the perfect opportunity. But I quickly got the GPDoom fever and had to have it. Bought one from and and have been quite happy ever since. It's a nice little gaming device and it was well worth the money. I cared little about the emulators, I more cared about Doom. The doom games were going to be my next purchases for the GBA but I'm glad there was GPDoom made for it.

I'm a little grateful for the emulators, but I really don't care as much as the rest of you. The only thing I like having is the GPEngine and SMS. I could care less about SNES, never really liked Nintendo anyways.
I was looking at a Nintendo forum, and saw someone say something like "Forget the GBA SP, this handheld is much better (link to lik-sang gp32 section)" I looked at it, and decided to buy one a few weeks later. I'm happy :) The funniest part was that the post on the forums was deleted minutes later... If there was just a few minutes diffrence of when I went on the forums, I might never have gotten a GP32 :(
I was looking for reviews on the WonderSwan crystal when a site mentioned the GP32.
i was reading somekind of gaming magezine and in it were things about systems that never really made it in the US, or didnt sell well. I thought most of them were old because one of them was the atari lynx, and i have a hobby for collecting old systems, and i decided too look them all up on the internet(ther were about 5, which one of them were the GP32), and from then on it was fate. lol B) i looked it upo and i knew from then on I NEEDED THAT SYSTEM!
I heard about it through a friend a couple of weeks before i buyed it. I was considering buying a Gamecube, GBA or an MP3-player. Then I found this and it has made my traintrips (which I go by a lot) a whole lotta easier. Go GP32, you´re great!