Keyboard for the GP32?!

THAT is what I've been waiting for!!! A *generic* keyboard & driver for gp32..

MrSpiv: Please make it compatible and think about future whlile you write the driver for it. make it solid so everyone can use it in their programs.

and biggest thanks to you.. Thanks!
this was more important than "full speed snes emu" for me. as I want to use gp32 at office.
it's a shame that one of the palm folding keyboards cannot be ported onto it. The chat-board is kinda tidgy and small, and I'd like to type, not 'text' on it. ('text', because no matter how you try to place it, you still end up thumbing the buttons instead of typing, either due to size, way of carrying, or that the thumb can put more pressure on buttons). Maybe in the future? They do wireless ones too now, but I don't think many people have delved into the wireless RF of the Gp32.
MrSpiv: Please make it compatible and think about future whlile you write the driver for it. make it solid so everyone can use it in their programs.
hmmm... compatible? It will be compatibe with chatboards. I will & can test only against stuff I have here. :blink: Anyway.. once done it should not be hard to modify to others..
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This great news!
I'm an Amiga fan... but I tried the Atari ST emu and Atari has some cool software too... with the keyboard (+ a modified Castaway) all the applications on this computer would work just great... and the ST had a lot of cool software...

Sooo coool!!!!
Ok.. I just uploaded a sketch driver source for the Ericsson charboard. I isn't the pretties but shows at least some direction.. and works for me(tm) :blink:
I already have a Palm folding keyboard working with my GP32. Not very interesting if no one writes software to support it.

To the developers out there, just add keyboard input via the serial port at 9600bps, 8N1, no handshake of any kind. Do this and there are a heap of ways to get a keyboard to talk to a GP32.


oh yer, I have 5 new Palm keyboards for sale, AU$50, plus postage.
I already have a Palm folding keyboard working with my GP32. Not very interesting if no one writes software to support it.

To the developers out there, just add keyboard input via the serial port at 9600bps, 8N1, no handshake of any kind. Do this and there are a heap of ways to get a keyboard to talk to a GP32.
Yeh! Exactly :unsure: Except I found it interesting to poke around with the UART with some good reason this time. :P
Btw.. what kind of codes Palm keyboard uses? AT-commands or something more sophisticated? :blink:
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The palm puts out RS232, 9600, 8N1, ASCII key code. VERY EASY! The ones that I have are for V and VX and I have hacked one into my Newton and it works OK, so now I will combine my GP32 with RS232 cable, the Palm keyboard with RS232 and my Serial to Ethernet modem, and I can talk to the internet.
The palm puts out RS232, 9600, 8N1, ASCII key code. VERY EASY! The ones that I have are for V and VX and I have hacked one into my Newton and it works OK, so now I will combine my GP32 with RS232 cable, the Palm keyboard with RS232 and my Serial to Ethernet modem, and I can talk to the internet.
Cool! You really should share more of your experiments with the "community" <_<
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The palm puts out RS232, 9600, 8N1, ASCII key code. VERY EASY! The ones that I have are for V and VX and I have hacked one into my Newton and it works OK, so now I will combine my GP32 with RS232 cable, the Palm keyboard with RS232 and my Serial to Ethernet modem, and I can talk to the internet.
Cool! You really should share more of your experiments with the "community" <_<
Agreed. Dad we'd really like to know more about what you've been up to.

Anyway, thanks a lot Mr. Spiv
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I have posted some stuff, but it's the software end of the deal that is my downfall. The developers need to look at some of the emulators and set a common input format so that people can roll there own keyboards, my suggestion of 9600bps, 8N1, ASCII. It's a fairly common config, developers can use a terminal emulator if they haven't got a keyboard. PIC programable devices can be used as keyboard decoders. As for multiplayer games, using basic AT modem setups would give the user the option of a modem or a connection via a serial cable to a PC or IR device etc, mmmmm IR serial port, another simple ciruit with parts from Tandy...but it needs serial comms support in the software to work.

enough stuff, must sleep...

regards to all
paul b jones
Now that I am awake again, I can clearly see the errors of my ways. The palm keyboard is 9600 8N1, but not ASCII, just a hex code for key down, key up and last key (to allow for multi key combinations)

Can anyone think of a way of getting dynamic library support on the gp32. I think the chances of people writing games which include support for all the input devices are pretty slim, but if we had dso support then we could just define an API and we could do a different .so file for each type (ericsson keyboard , software keyboard etc).

Then you could copy the .so for your input device to a standard location on the smc and it would work with all games which used the api.

That said I haven't seen anything approaching dlopen() in the sdk docs, and I haven't got a clue how dynamic linkers actually work.

I'd be happy to do a driver for a software keyboard and port Mr Spiv's Ericsson driver if someone else knew how to construct the framework.

Anyone more knowledgeable on these matters care to comment on whether it could be done?

Any ideas welcome, regards,

Mr. Spiv can we please get some information on how to modifie the Erickson Chatboard keyboard!

e.g. Diagrams. pinouts. what we need to make the keyboard!!!!

Thanks Nick
NickReed412 posted on Dec 3 2003 at 04:31 AM said:
Mr. Spiv can we please get some information on how to modifie the Erickson Chatboard keyboard!

e.g. Diagrams. pinouts. what we need to make the keyboard!!!!

Thanks Nick
:blink: .. Should you check my site & its news, you would see that there have been pictures and pin wiring information for one Ericsson keyboard for some time already <_<
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do you all know what this means??? :o
if this keyboard works we'll have enough keys to play duke nukem!! :lol:
plus there are countless other great games that will be possible :D :rolleyes: :D