I'm getting one


Istanbul Red
Apr 11, 2003
Answers most appreciated:

1.Whats this about overclocking?
2.Whats this about online connectivity/Multiplayer (lik-sang product description)?
3.Where do I get Movie Park from? £3.50 is it?
4.What about firmware? I read somewhere there is English Firmware? Do I need it? Is it recommended?
5.Confirmation needed 'The Manual is in English'?
7.Will the Original OS allow me to use all the EMU's, Divx and MP3's?
8.Are you all using the original OS? What is the chances of me messing things up and wrecking the console? (not just with OS)

1: Overclocking to a higher rate than 133 mhz CAN damage your lcd screen. (i think most emus wont go higher than 133 mhz)
2: I dont think any plans are made for this yet, or will ever be made outside of korea. (you can multiplay the official games with your friends , u need some extra thingie for this thou)
3: http:/www.entware.com/
4: I dont know anything about it, the standard firmware works a.ok
5: Last time i checked the manual was in English yes :)
7: The original OS will let u (with the help of the freelauncer program, which u can download after regging your GP32) use all the emu's, for divx u need moviepark and it can play mp3's out of the box.
8: I'm using the original OS yes, some people killed their GP32 flashing the bios, some didn't.

Hope this helps.
All of the above plus:
1) The ARM processor used in the GP32 can have its speed set programatically... the slower, the longer batteries last. The fastest safe setting is 133... but it can be "overclocked" to higher, some have reported LCD screen damage.

2) In theory it could connect to a cell phone. In reality, there is currently a wireless RF device you can attach for multiplayer. Unless you have friends getting GP32's forget about it.

5) Yep, my manual was English too.

Firmware questions: The firmware is the same as the "OS". The basic firmware is mostly in English, the only thing in Korean on mine was a loading screen. It has three screens - Games, MP3s and PC-Link (used to connect to PC) - you move between them by pressing select. Under games, commercial games are listed as well as the freelauncher you download. You use the freelauncher to run emulators and homebrew games. If you want to (you can hose your GP32) you can upgrade to another firmware. I'm currently using Mr. Spiv's Multi-Firmware, which lets me switch between the original, Pacrom (text menu based if I remember), booting directly to Windups, and a PC-Link connection. Use fresh batteries and you will USUALLY be fine, most firmware problems are when the transfer is interrupted. You can download and run Windups using freelauncher. Try it that way, and upgrade only if you prefer that to the original bios.
Ask the people you're gonna buy the GP32 if your manual is in English. Mine arrived with a manual filled with all these creepy symbols which I THINK is Korean, but even without the manual it is very easy to use. It practically shows how to use it itself. And if you ever have a question you can always come here and ask your question, read the tutorials or the readme's included with the programs.
I ordered from Lik-Sang, and not only did I get an English manual, I also got a DVD that's like 3 hours of video game footage from 3E. Go figure.
