Yeti3D Engine update!

GP32 Kirby

Just a little bit of news that work on the Yeti3D Engine is being continued, and at the moment features of curved surfaces/slops/terrain grounds are being worked on. This could make the possibilities of what kinda games could be made from the engine near-endless :D

More details at
Good news, but it look to me like he says that the curved surfaces are on the original (GBA version) of Yeti3d, and that ThunderZ is actually working on "the news asm code for the texturer, the new screen copie and all the external loader (md2, ect..) + dynamic calculation and translation for LUA." on the GP32 version.
Well, if it can be done for the GBA version, there's no excuse not doing it on the GP32 port, so I think I speak for us all when I say: Let there be curved surfaces and slopes in the GP32 port! ;)
if he wasn't working on slopes in the GP32 version, why would he have posted the images of them on gp32news himself?
The impression I got was that curved surfaces are being worked on in the original, and that ThunderZ will add them to the GP32 version as soon as the original source has them in. Or something. Albeit it didn't SAY that, but that was the impression I got.

All we'll need after that is room over room support... Well, not *need* as such. But its the sort of thing that would be nice :)