Gp32: can it or can't it emulate the gba


Still Fresh
Apr 11, 2003
I havent got a gp32 but have had a gba for ages. what i really need to know before i invest in one of these machines is can it emulate gba and can i play all my gba roms on it or not?
I'm not too technical so please don't judge me on my knowledge about IT.
iam pretty sure it could emulate the cpu,sound and everything but the ram is limited so any game above 4meg (32mbit) will not work.
I thought that there was 8MB RAM. Also, the bigger games could probably be partially loaded then other parts loaded?
rcx21000 posted on Apr 11 2003 said:
I thought that there was 8MB RAM. Also, the bigger games could probably be partially loaded then other parts loaded?
yeah but if you use the whole ram for the game there is no place left for the emu right ? :/
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it can emulate it partially atm yes but there is no emulator released to the public :D
If you're asking DOES it, the answer is no.

If you're asking CAN it, no one can give that answer for sure yet.

Maybe it can run GBA stuff at full speed next week -- maybe next month, maybe next year, maybe never. But today? No.

Flack posted on Apr 11 2003 said:
Maybe it can run GBA stuff at full speed next week -- maybe next month, maybe next year, maybe never. But today? No.
That's almost poetic.
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Voodoox11 posted on Apr 11 2003 said:
iam pretty sure it could emulate the cpu,sound and everything but the ram is limited so any game above 4meg (32mbit) will not work.
Do note that mega*bit* is a different scale than mega*byte*; the GP32 has 8MB of RAM (megabyte); 32Mb (megabit) is actually 32/8 or 4MB, so woudl fit into a GP32 fine if the emu itself didnt' need 4MB (and coudl emualtre fast enough, etc etc)

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skeezix posted on Apr 11 2003 said:
Voodoox11 posted on Apr 11 2003 said:
iam pretty sure it could emulate the cpu,sound and everything but the ram is limited so any game above 4meg (32mbit) will not work.
Do note that mega*bit* is a different scale than mega*byte*; the GP32 has 8MB of RAM (megabyte); 32Mb (megabit) is actually 32/8 or 4MB, so woudl fit into a GP32 fine if the emu itself didnt' need 4MB (and coudl emualtre fast enough, etc etc)

bleh i know the difference between megabit and megabytes :P

32mbit = 4mb
64mbit = 8mb
and so on ...
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heh i forgot all those, had to get a friend to tell me how much space I had on my SMC :D

but the second GBA emu happens well....something is gonna happen, good or bad
That sounds like the kind of thing DC owners (including me) were saying about Bleem!

But playing a ps1 game on dc was more expensive, because you had to buy the special bleem disc made for the certain game and buy the psx game.
Really? I though there was going to be a release of one disc that allowed 100 games to be played and then they'd keep releasing more.

But even if there is a perfect GP32 emulator - which would be the best thing ever - most people still won't have heard of it, though it would still probably double its sales! (To 30,000?)
i th9nk it will be a while yet as if you look at the gameboy/snes/nes emulators none of them are absolutely amazing yet
The GBA is a GP32 with a 2D accelerator but with a slower speed. It would be like playing directx games on linux, complicated but not impossible.
I hope to aide in the ram problem. I'm looking to find a chip to replace the curent one in there with a bigger one.
I have used the GBA emulator, it works, but it is slow. I'm not sure whats happening with the development.

To be honest - every single programmer I've asked about this (admittedly - only 4), have said the same thing: No.

They've all stated that emulating the gba's GPU and CPU simultaniously would be too much for the GP32 alone... so although it 'could' emulate a GBA, it could never achieve a playable framerate (that's before any consideration of sound).

I would love to be proved wrong - but I think it's always going to be too much our beloved little machine to handle.