prototype gp32....

Xyo posted on Oct 31 2003 at 08:21 PM said:
I think its cos they're cheapr and alot more commonly used....
They are cheaper, but AFAIK, CFs are more commonly used... And you can get up to 5GB (or mabye 10GB-20GB? I 4got) with Type II CF microdrives... And you can have up to 1GB with Type I

EIDT: To Shaking Spirit: BUHAHAHAHA :P
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mmm.....I think I would have prefered CompactFlash.
They are bigger (up to 3GB), have a MUCH longer life than SMCs (up to 300 years :)) and are very reliable.

EDIT: Damn, RCX was faster :)
Jesus christ :o, I would KILL to get a go on some of that. How did you get it all? You are associated with GamePark I assume...?

Jesus, that looks SO much better than the current design. Would look even better in black.


EDIT: I reckon Nintendo got their SP inspiration from this! God damn I wish they stuck to this one!
oh, the processor isn't the same? geeze, i want internal pics now... ;) (actually if that was possible it would be great...) i think that you could get a dump of the bios with a jtag cable....or does it have the same ext conn?
fx-man posted on Oct 31 2003 at 09:04 PM said:
some informations about my proto...
the screen is 1/3 bigger than the actual screen, there is a contrast button and no usb port.

games are not using SMCs but Compact flash cards.

there is no free launcher, so I can't dump the bios, and I don't think it would work on a normal GP32.

I have little wizard on it. There are only 256 colors and animation is more than awful. (the processor is not the same)

Also, there are only 3 buttons (A + B + C) + the start button. No select button or L + R. And those 3 buttons are so small and so near than when you want to push one of them, you push all of them !

But you can expect a complete review of this proto very soon ^^
I'm looking forward to a long long review with loads of pictures :-P
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If FX man could make a mold of the GP32 prototype case and send it into GBAX.....the possibilities...
i liked the old design, too, although it probably wasnt very usable. the new one is ergnomical and thats what counts ;)

@fx-man: how were you able to get it? when did you get it? where do I get it? where do you live, so i can steal it, while youre asleep :lol:

i would pay almost every price for one of those prototypes :rolleyes:
A very early prototype (from one of the links at the bottom of that HandheldsHQ site):


:lol: :D
To all those who wanted the video-out thing....

Look at the screen!!

It looks nasty! Blocky as hell! :P

it'd still be cool to have though :D Just for the bragging rights ;)