Tomb Raider on N-Gage


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Just saw a advert advertising Tomb Raider on the Nokia N-Gage and it looked coool... When will GP32 have Tomb Raider like the N-Gage? :D (Not the Gameboy Colour Version) B) :blink:
I've played Tomb raider for N-Gage and it is horrible. Its very hard to control, its very slow, except when running, but the whole game seems to slow down as soon as you jump or do anything other than running. The graphics looked like the Sega Saturn version, which isn't half bad for a portable, but the game in whole sucked real bad.
damn... the advert makes it look so good... will a saturn look like version be out for GP32 at all anytime anyone know??
lol.. yup hitman would kick ass... taking ppls clothes lol...

Or even KINGPIN remake with all the Swearing in hehe that would also kick ass...
If Saturn 3-d graphics are possible on GP32, then i'd like to see Panzer Dragoon.
Shadow of Chaos posted on Oct 28 2003 at 08:54 PM said:
half life port? :huh:
HL Port would be coool, but how would you fit it onto a SMC Card :D
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extremegamer posted on Oct 28 2003 at 11:24 PM said:
If Saturn 3-d graphics are possible on GP32, then i'd like to see Panzer Dragoon.
Hell yes. :blink:

I would sacrifice my firstborn for a GP32 conversion of Panzer Dragoon Saga...

I think I just shortened my keyboard with drooROUTPOPIUOPZ+++CARRIER LOST
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Jesus :o Tomb Raider is one of the top 10 most influential games of all time....the controls are clunky admitedly and it feels slow compared to feather light marios of today...but i thought the N-Gage version was very playable. But is it just me or was it hard enough on a big TV to see where to go next :lol:
None of the above mentioned games will ever see a full version on the gp32 its just not powerfull enough :unsure:
...hmm...what....i hear.....stop calling for me......panzer dragoon saga....i see dead games..
What the hell i play it again for old times, be back in four hours........saga is the most great short rpg game EVER!!!!!!!! i would swim in the sewers for hours so i could play it on the gp32.....mabye a saturn emulater for zodiac...hmmm
"Steve-O" said:
damn... the advert makes it look so good...

Yeah, ads tend to do that to products sometimes :D. In the early days of PSX, a basketball game (I think Shootout?) was released which supposedly used sped-up footage of the gameplay in its commercial. Manipulative, sure, but it stopped another company from releasing its own basketball game that year. Just a rumor I once read somewhere.

I actually played and liked the original Tomb Raider back in the day, but of course the only real enhancements the series has experienced since then are Lara's breasts. To me, the game had a beautiful visual appeal in the caves, something I imagine would feel claustrophobic on a handheld. Especially the N-Gage.
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johnno15 posted on Oct 29 2003 at 12:32 AM said:
None of the above mentioned games will ever see a full version on the gp32 its just not powerfull enough :unsure:
Is a N-Gage Powerfuller than a GP32??... I Hope God Damn Not :D
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good good... Wounder if a N-Gage Emulator will ever be released :D :unsure: