GP32 Movies in action?


can't be longer than 2 months right?
Oct 20, 2003
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Hi :huh:

i just wanted to know if theres a big movie of the gp32 in action!?
i found smth a few days ago but deleted dont ask y ;)
it was ca. 20mb big, that man who made that movie was "DDagoori" and the movie showed gpcinema, some commercial games and a few emulators.

im getting my gp32 soon (anyone from germany? B) )so i want to see, what i can do later :lol:

so where can i find that thing :blink:

ps: sry 4 my english, u know im german :ph34r:
I'm in germany (Hannover) :) But I come from USA and will be moving back in about a year (oh, I don't speak german)
KeimOmatiC posted on Oct 24 2003 at 10:05 AM said:
You'll find people from all over the World here and of course there are a few german Players too (Ich zum Beispiel ;) ).

The video, that you are searching, could be here:

nope sry that one is from ddagoori, but it isnt the long one ;)

it was over 20mb, anyone no where it could be :ph34r:
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"GPcinema is way better than MoviePark" - don't be so sure.
Yes Gpcinema can supposedly handle higher framerates, although I've had MoviePark running at 25 fps (the problem is the sound synchro).
But MoviePark can handle Divx 4.12, RealMagic, 3IVX, XVID (any build), and ffvfw, and different frame sizes. GPcinema is very fussy about the codec and the frame size.
GPCinema (354 Kb) was not an upgrade of MoviePark (855Kb), but a totally new product , and I think it loses in flexibility.