Snatcher Translation


Still Fresh
Jun 3, 2003
I just want to post this topic to wip up some support to a translation thats very special to me.
Its not fully translated into English yet, but has seen a full Portuguese version.

For those of you who have never played Snatcher i sugest that you giveit a try, Its a cult Classic, has a great story, and is an amazing game.

Snatcher has appered on no less than 5 consoles from PCE to PSX.

Follow the link for more info:-

Snatcher Translation Project

Im yet to try it on FMSX, but will do tonight.

P.S. Please give them your support :)
Hi, the game doesn't really need an English translation as it was released in the US for the Sega CD. Unless the MSX version of snatcher has significant improvements.
Now, what would be really nice is a translation of Policenauts...

I have it on the SegaCD and PSX & MSX (all original) but i can't play PSX or SegaCD on my GP32 hence why i posted it on the GP32 forum. durr :P

But i agree a translation of Policenauts would be great... :)

Also try Metal Gear - Solid snake (full translation avalable) It's one of the best MSX games out. Can only be topped by MGS.