Emulating The R4300i

sindbad said:
However, I do plan to write extend the PyPy gameboy emulator (written in RPython) to take advantage of PyPy's partial evaluation and maybe even JIT. If this works, it may open the door for very easy to read/write and still quite efficient emulators.
Do you want the emulator program to be partially evaluated or do you want the CPU interpreter to be partially evaluated?

Unfortunately, CPU recompilers for a number of platforms have specific issues that I doubt something like PyPy could address (self modifying code comes to mind..)
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This is my first post in this forum, but I would like to offer my assistance. I have plenty of information about the N64 hardware which may not be available anywhere else having been gleaned from various bits and pieces here and there. Some of this I have offered to the N64 development in MESS, but am willing to share with anybody who is serious about accurate hardware emulation of the system as opposed to rough estimation. I might also add that if I had the opportunity to have a Pandora in my possession, I would pursue the development of an N64 emulator for the platform (although I would need more intimate knowledge of the ARM/Neon architecture).

In specific response to this thread, I agree that cycle accurate emulation is neither strictly necessary or possible, but the only timer in the N64 hardware does count cycles rather than divisions of seconds (not really important as the duration of a cycle is constant).

Second, in porting a preexisting emulator bear in mind that most use Direct3D for graphics which is going to prove a rather difficult conversion. I think the overall effort would probably be best spent in creating from scratch rather that porting, as porting almost any preexisting fast emulator would require major rewrites.

Anyway if you would like to discuss abstract implementation details or specifics of the hardware (no programming necessary) feel free to inquire.