GP2X Gba Emu And Static Translation

Hey, while I enjoy the support, wait till I get a release out before saying that. :P
Daily update:
arg, 3AM and I can no longer stand looking at opcodes while listening to J-Pop to stay awake. Stopping on line 5419 ( LDRB Rd, [Rn, Rm, LSL #] ), that's 75.22% of the core re-done. Started at around 11PM so that's a good amount of progress, taking into account that I couldn't code all day.
TKF15H posted on Jul 17 2006 at 04:08 PM said:
Daily update:
arg, 3AM and I can no longer stand looking at opcodes while listening to J-Pop to stay awake. Stopping on line 5419 ( LDRB Rd, [Rn, Rm, LSL #] ), that's 75.22% of the core re-done. Started at around 11PM so that's a good amount of progress, taking into account that I couldn't code all day.

Maybe you should switch to K-Pop for a while.

BTW, great progress. It's all very exciting.
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I don't know what can I say...
Franxis posted on Jul 12 2006 at 08:10 AM said:
Wooo, good luck ;)
Yeah, something like that :)
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Ok, bad news everyone: Next week I intend to move from one state to another (Rio de Janeiro -> Pernambuco), meaning I may be without access to my computer or an internet connection for an undefined amount of time.
I was originally planning on moving in August, but due to classes starting in the same month I had to anticipate the trip.

btw, currently on "STMDA Rn, {Rlist}^", 78.38% rewritten.
Shikaku posted on Jul 17 2006 at 05:02 AM said:
A_SN posted on Jul 16 2006 at 09:13 PM said:
xinfernoofdantex posted on Jul 17 2006 at 03:04 AM said:
has anyone tried implementing the MMU hack into one of the current GBA emu's?

No, Squidge himself told me that implementing the MMU hack into VBA would only help by 1 or 2 fps, so it's definitly not worth it.

I'd say just do it for that, any speed increase is good in an emulator.

However don't make it a priority on getting it to work if it's hard to set up...

You'd be a fool to spend time implementing that for such an unsignifying benefit, for you could spend your time and energy doing much more interesting and efficient things

Squidge posted on Jul 17 2006 at 07:03 PM said:
Once you have done all the instructions, what else is there to do? :)
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Daily update:
Stopping on "STMIA Rn, {Rlist}^"... 80% done.
Had a look through the source code to GPAdvance today... urgh, comments in french!!! >_<
I shall not wait to say your da bomb untill you have a release because frankly I don't give a darn if its amazing or not. The fact that you are doing it, when the comunity has been (through lack of knowledge im sure) so lukewarm on GBA emulation is great. i love the GBA, and i think your amazing for giving it a go.
Great Works TKF15H

Thank you for your time,
I expect to see if we will be able
to get somewhat fullspeed sometime [ by
this I mean >25 fps ]

Keep on your good works.

TKF15H posted on Jul 18 2006 at 06:42 AM said:
Daily update:
Stopping on "STMIA Rn, {Rlist}^"... 80% done.
Had a look through the source code to GPAdvance today... urgh, comments in french!!! >_<

I'm currently translating (I'm french), I'll send you the whole translated source once I'm done
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whoa, it was just a curious looksie, no need to go through all that work right now. o_O
A_SN: Wow, you translated all those that quickly? I was having a look at the MMU section, as it may be of use in the future, if things get so desperate that I have to use the GP2X MMU to emulate the GBA's rather than doing it in software.

Daily update:

Around 6 o'clock this afternoon I finished re-writing all the opcodes. Full of joy I ran make and copied the executable to my GP2X. Open PuTTY. Kill the evil menu! cd to the Illex folder. Typed in "illexboyadvance.gpe needforspeed.gba". Deap breath. Pressed enter. Waited a bit....




8 rechargable batteries later, after much cursing at GDB, I slapped my forehead because of how silly the mistake was. Fixed it, ran it, and as expected, the game ran a bit more slowly than it would on the interpretor alone. Now it's getting the code it's supposed to run and chucking it in a buffer so as to throw it out to a C file. It doesn't actually record the data though.

While this may look like an odd step in the opposite direction, it is the biggest part of recompiling GBA code. This done, I have to come up with an efficient way to dump the output buffer to a file, ignoring what has been output already. This will make the interpretor a bit faster when it runs code it has already been over once, but really slow on the first time.

Next stop: BED!!! -_-
TKF15H posted on Jul 19 2006 at 06:59 AM said:
A_SN: Wow, you translated all those that quickly? I was having a look at the MMU section, as it may be of use in the future, if things get so desperate that I have to use the GP2X MMU to emulate the GBA's rather than doing it in software.

Daily update:

Around 6 o'clock this afternoon I finished re-writing all the opcodes. Full of joy I ran make and copied the executable to my GP2X. Open PuTTY. Kill the evil menu! cd to the Illex folder. Typed in "illexboyadvance.gpe needforspeed.gba". Deap breath. Pressed enter. Waited a bit....




8 rechargable batteries later, after much cursing at GDB, I slapped my forehead because of how silly the mistake was. Fixed it, ran it, and as expected, the game ran a bit more slowly than it would on the interpretor alone. Now it's getting the code it's supposed to run and chucking it in a buffer so as to throw it out to a C file. It doesn't actually record the data though.

While this may look like an odd step in the opposite direction, it is the biggest part of recompiling GBA code. This done, I have to come up with an efficient way to dump the output buffer to a file, ignoring what has been output already. This will make the interpretor a bit faster when it runs code it has already been over once, but really slow on the first time.

Next stop: BED!!! -_-

lol yeah you know translating that kind of stuff is quick. but by the time i had your message I was getting tired of it anyways :)

So let's see if I got it right, so far you don't output the C code and recompile it, but you store in the RAM the translated code to use it again later so you can test how your translation works without messing with the recompilation yet?

btw if there's some file I haven't translated that you'd want to have a look at, just ask away, translating each files takes me up to 5 minutes or so for the longest ones (the joys of being perfectly fluent ;) )
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