fCOL32 to be released soon


can't be longer than 2 months right?
Oct 20, 2003
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News from gp32spain, translated with altavista babelfish ;) :

Rlyeh continues surprising, in this occasion with a new beta of its stranger fCOL32, emulator of ColecoVision for GP32.

Although kill a time I already could enjoy a deprived beta, this includes a great amount of improvements like the possibility of saving the game, fullspeed with frameskip 0, double buffering, sound, gamma correction and many other new features.

Let us hope that shortly he is decided to remove a public version
yaeh it runs sweeeeet. it runs evry game i tried 100% full speed and that at only 66mhz!! and the complete colecovision goood set fits in the ram :-) (only 3mb).
yup just checked my mail and there i went B) (tested the emu before posting this news lol )

it really rox 3MB the whoole good colevision set :D
I was kinda wondering why it was taking so long to emulate what is probably one of the most simple machines to emulate (if not the simplest), but I guess extras are a pretty good answer :) (no, this isn't sarcasm)
I was kinda wondering why it was taking so long to emulate what is probably one of the most simple machines to emulate (if not the simplest), but I guess extras are a pretty good answer (no, this isn't sarcasm)

I'd like to see you port an emulator for the GP32 <_<