I Want A Gp32 Flu Or Blu

I have an Ex-flu, (removed the light and light guide) in a Blu shell it's yours for 25 inc delivery and 2 smcs if you wannit.
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I have an Ex-flu, (removed the light and light guide) in a Blu shell it's yours for 25 inc delivery and 2 smcs if you wannit.
25 quid or 25 dollars?

And let me get this straight, it has no frontlight now? :huh:
Nope, spilt glue on the lightguide, so ripped it and the light out (carefully of course)

Also, what size smc's?


That's a great price :) , but i will have to reject your offer :( , because i need a light in there........ ;)
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I conpletely understand, it's not half as fun as when it had a light.
I have a good MKI with a TV-out cable, an offical case, new MKII cap (it is MUCH better) and also an extra non working TV-out cable. It's in like perfect condition and I could send along a CD of all my favorite Homebrew games (no roms) if you wanted.

I was thinking $175 USD + shipping. The whole package cost me $220 (without shipping) and there is an extra TV out cable that you could repair and use.
I have a good MKI with a TV-out cable, an offical case, new MKII cap (it is MUCH better) and also an extra non working TV-out cable. It's in like perfect condition and I could send along a CD of all my favorite Homebrew games (no roms) if you wanted.

I was thinking $175 USD + shipping. The whole package cost me $220 (without shipping) and there is an extra TV out cable that you could repair and use.
He's after a GP32, not a 2X.
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reallynotnick, does it come with a card? :huh: I'll go as small as 256MB.......
Also how about batteries, do you have those too?
I had been toying with the idea of selling my GP32 BLU (regular, not +) in order to get enough money to purchase a refurbished Beta VCR. I also have two 128 mb SMCs, with the commercial games Pinball Dreams and Dyhard With Infinite Stairs on one of them, as well as the GP-Link RF adapter.

However, so far I need an extra $126 in order to actually purchase the VCR that I have my eye on, and I doubt you'd be willing to pay that for a GP32.
I had been toying with the idea of selling my GP32 BLU (regular, not +) in order to get enough money to purchase a refurbished Beta VCR. I also have two 128 mb SMCs, with the commercial games Pinball Dreams and Dyhard With Infinite Stairs on one of them, as well as the GP-Link RF adapter.

However, so far I need an extra $126 in order to actually purchase the VCR that I have my eye on, and I doubt you'd be willing to pay that for a GP32.

What is the lowest you are willing to sell it? :huh:
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I had been toying with the idea of selling my GP32 BLU (regular, not +) in order to get enough money to purchase a refurbished Beta VCR. I also have two 128 mb SMCs, with the commercial games Pinball Dreams and Dyhard With Infinite Stairs on one of them, as well as the GP-Link RF adapter.

However, so far I need an extra $126 in order to actually purchase the VCR that I have my eye on, and I doubt you'd be willing to pay that for a GP32.

What is the lowest you are willing to sell it? :huh:

I will have to wait for a reply from MisterBetamax before I can say that.
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daclassicgamingmaster posted on Jul 27 2006 at 04:28 PM said:
buy my custom painted P.I.M.P. FLU!

j/k, not for sale :P

check ebay my good sir. If you cant use it for some reason, i'd help you out somehow...
Well DCGM, I just want to find somebody who is willing to sell their gp32...for cheap, not disgustingly cheap, but okay cheap. If you can help me then I would be gratefull to you. :)
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