How Much Can A Blu Or Flu Go For?

BLU's sell on Ebay for £90 area... BLUs can be bought brand new from Lik Sang for £80 - £90 Delivery to UK.

FLU's Sell on Ebay for around £70 - £90... FLU's can be bought brand £65 - £75 shipped to UK

You will make more money with them on Ebay
can someone help me with a paypal query? When you get money sent to your paypal account does it go straight onto your card or does it just go onto your paypal account and you pay to have it put on your card or something? Does paypal work with SOLO cards?
sam fisher posted on Dec 7 2004 at 05:02 PM said:
can someone help me with a paypal query? When you get money sent to your paypal account does it go straight onto your card or does it just go onto your paypal account and you pay to have it put on your card or something? Does paypal work with SOLO cards?

You add a Bank account to PayPal.

You Receive the Payment, it Sits in your PayPal account

You click Withdraw and enter the ammount you want to put into your bank account

You wait about 5 days and check with your bank to see if the money went in :)
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im gonna sell me flu but it will be by cheque. if anyone wants to get it a different way just ask me. Flu goes on ebay later today for someone to buy. How much do you want for the flu.
post the auction url when you do... what does the FLU overclock up to? also if you're worried about paypal taking a cut when you transfer it back to your account ask the buyer if they will do a direct transfer to your bank account - its quicker and usually easier if they can and no paypal fees ;)
I believe you can add a solo card to a paypal account now as they want Paypal to become more appealing to eBay buyers and sellers and not everyone has a major credit card. You have to verify the card first though. They do this by charging you £1.50 (i think it was £1.50, it's not much though) to the card. When it shows up on your bank statement you will see a reference number. Go back to the Paypal site and enter the number. Your card will then be verified and they will refund £1.50 back to your card.

Oh and you need to be over 18 to sign up. :unsure:

How come you want to sell both?
ratx posted on Dec 8 2004 at 01:10 PM said:
post the auction url when you do... what does the FLU overclock up to? also if you're worried about paypal taking a cut when you transfer it back to your account ask the buyer if they will do a direct transfer to your bank account - its quicker and usually easier if they can and no paypal fees ;)
weird as i signed up earlier with my age? Anyway how do i do that bank transfer directly thing? and am i guaranteed that ut will go straight through thogh and not just not go in. Someone said that. But yeah i will possibly auction.
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Radio posted on Dec 8 2004 at 02:55 PM said:
I believe you can add a solo card to a paypal account now as they want Paypal to become more appealing to eBay buyers and sellers and not everyone has a major credit card. You have to verify the card first though. They do this by charging you £1.50 (i think it was £1.50, it's not much though) to the card. When it shows up on your bank statement you will see a reference number. Go back to the Paypal site and enter the number. Your card will then be verified and they will refund £1.50 back to your card.

Oh and you need to be over 18 to sign up. :unsure:

How come you want to sell both?

Probably because he just bought a DS and thinks he don't want a GP32 anymore.
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DaveC posted on Dec 8 2004 at 06:52 PM said:
Radio posted on Dec 8 2004 at 02:55 PM said:
Oh and you need to be over 18 to sign up.    :unsure:

How come you want to sell both?

Probably because he just bought a DS and thinks he don't want a GP32 anymore.

Must be some sort of temporary insanity brought on by an overdose of the plumber. He'll snap out of it. :P

weird as i signed up earlier with my age?
Odd, I could have sworn I read that somewhere on the website. :blink: Maybe it only applies to certain features on the site?
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