War Chaos -new Project-


Still Fresh
Mar 19, 2006
Greetings friends.

I have started a new project (parallel with Legends of Idhuriel) called War Chaos. Its a game with a Full Spectrum Warrior style, but in 2D top view. You must complete missions. When I complete the game structure, then I will only have to do the maps (missions) with their objectives. Here I put 2 screens of the project (Work In Progress):


And you can see a real time video (streaming) in my webpage:

All things that you see are made in a week (I have a lot of work and short free time :-) )

I hope you like the project. When I have more info i will post here.

from what i've seen in you video, this game looks truly promising and the fact it's been done in a single week is most impressive.

it's another project i will watch closely !
Really nice! Looking forward to a first release. Though I must say, I am also quite amazed by that other project of yours - legend of idhuriel... Yes the homebrew scene is coughing up a few true gems. Now I am going back to play some more super transball 2 - screw all of you! lol
I think this will be the one to have on the SD even just to show people some of the things the 2X can do. Even from the screen shots alone, I'm liking this project a lot.
Oh yes, I like it !
This look very promising and I hope to see more of this soon.
I'll be there, I don't move, I just wait ;-)

Thanks for the news !
Hi friends.

First of all, Thanks a million for your post and your words.

I am very happy that the project like you.

Fishbong, all is made for me, graphics and code.

Thanks again.

As everyone else has said: extremely impressed.

One question: You mentioned making all the maps and missions youself; are you coding some kind of scripting system?
If so, perhaps a beta release with a couple of example missions would make it possible for others to help you out with the mission design (or build their own mission packs)?
I agree with Wite Noiz
Maybe we can help you out with map design
It would speed up the project,and it would also give you more time for coding ;)

see you :lol:

BTW: Go for 1st coding compet', you have your chance
One more comment to say I'm most impressed from the first few screenshots... the game looks graphically as good as I'd expect from DS or PSP games (albeit the 2D ones), at least from the youtube vid. If the gameplay matches, you could easily go commercial.

Or, how about a shareware model? I.e. release a fully functional first chapter with some semblance of a story, and make us all pay a (hopefully relatively reasonable) ammount for the next bits. It worked for Commander Keen :).
I Agree with Tobriand,

Not only would it be a good source of revnue for you but it would allow you more time to work on the game while still getting it out to the public asap.

Think about it.

Shareware gets about 3 missions.
Full version would have at least 4 times as many missions for say $15
Then you could release mission packs for say ~$3

as long as you keep pushing out such good work Im sure people would be willing to drop 3 bucks here and there. :)

Just a Thought