Where To Get Roms

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gosh... how did we sturr this up? Why is there so many new idiots coming? Seriously... at first I was joking about "oh there must be a nest" and such but it is actually becoming quite annoying. Not only are they unfriendly as hell, they also demand stuff in a way that makes me believe that they think they paid US the money for the gp2x and not gph... being new entitles you to ask stupid questions but for gods sake not to be a dickhead...
You fucking idiot, I'm dead tired of retards coming in and ruining this community with their idiotic threads. Read the stickies, browse the Wiki, use Google. Stop wanting people to do everything for you!

- Alex

PS: And for fuck's sake learn how to spell, it doesn't matter whether or not English is your first language, take the time to edit your posts before or at least after you hit the submit button.

Welcome to the world of 14yo hoodie wearing people that txt far too often !!


i no im a bad speller but u guy understand me so who gives a cape.
Thats CRAP the p and r arnt even close on the keyboard !

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i no im a bad speller but u guy understand me so who gives a cape.

Who gives a cape??

The estate of Christopher Reeve might be able to send you a spare one - Im sure you will have lots of fun with that now you are selling your GP2X.

PS - PLEASE dont reply and ask how to use it otherwise you may get the answer "tie it around your f**king neck" :P
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I dont know what hes talking about
searching for 7h
i did a quick search right now for mame roms on google, in the first page was the site i use

I simply cannot believe how stupid this entire thread is. AND YOU IDIOTS ARE ACTUALLY HELPING HIM?????

goto a fricken dyslexia course....fricken idiot....

Good gravy! Why is this still here .... obviously for us to lambast this fool at our leisure ;)

Sell your GP2X and buy a Speak & Spell :)
offbow, you need to do a little more research on your own. looking for roms can be frustrating but when you get them it makes it worthwhile.

Start with google and simply write what you are looking for.

As for asking specifically where to get roms from, nobody here is gonna tell you because it's illegal. We all own the original copy of every game we have on the GP2X;)
Here's what I said in the other thread:
Here's my advice in a simple step-by-step format:
1. Download gngeo2x and rage2x from http://archive.gp2x.de (search for them, they shouldn't be hard to find)
2. Go to www.google.com
3. Search for something like "Metal Slug Neogeo Rom"
4. Look through the results page for some good downloads
5. Send me a PM if you need a more "direct" link :P
6. Follow the instructions for gngeo2x and rage2x

Hopefully this helps

But, honestly, you really need to read the stickies and stuff before posting on this forum, and PLEASE work on your spelling. There are other users on this board who have spelling disabilities and they were told to fix up their spelling and they seem to have improved it greatly.

Whatever you do, please don't use l337 txt speech, because it just looks stupid and makes you look stupid

Good luck,

Also, i forgot to note, you need to get the NeoGeo BIOS which you can "acquire" online . . .
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I can't even begin to count the "don't"'s in this thread, not only by the original poster, but by the membership in general. Half of the replies were semi-helpful, and could have been made in PM's, the other half were downright negative and insulting, and while I don't agree with him asking for roms here, and think his grammar needs a lot of help, obviously, we could have been a tiny bit nicer about suggesting it, again in PM's.

Learning disabilities are horrible things to have. Also there are a lot of non-english speaking GP2X users out there.

EDIT: Yes, I'm probably not helping the issue much, but I felt something had to be said.
this guy can't be serious, no one talks like that...

"i have of 7 hours tell my wot to thip"

"i ma going to sell my gp2x becaese it so chap i have be looking 4 7 hour and i have finded 2 roms and there did no work i have trid www.google.com and all the site under the sun i and i naw not how chap the gp2x is!!!!!!!!!1"

total bullshit man. <_<

Mods, please please close this thread.
Learning disabilities are horrible things to have. Also there are a lot of non-english speaking GP2X users out there.

... yet somehow, this learning-disabled or non-native English-speaking fellow managed to acquire an obscure linux-based handheld via some online retailer, join a massive user-based forum, learn how to use the "create new topic" button and add replies.

He was also told very plainly and for all to see, that asking for roms is not allowed here.

... but yes, someone should destroy this topic for the good of all.

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