Letter To Monolith


Oct 15, 2005
Hey guys I just thought I would let you know that I sent this email to monolith about Blood. Blood was the first FPS I ever played and I would appreciate it if you guys sent them some emails too.

Dear Monolith,

There has been alot of interest in your classic game Blood. The community supporting the gp2x (A new opensource handheld) would really like to see Blood come to their system but as you know there is no source availible to the public. There are many developers spending their free time porting classics dos games and creating homebrewn games but, currently there is only one commercial game for the handheld. It would be really interesting to see blood ported to this awsome little handheld and I know there would be many people willing to purchase it as a comercial port. Many people would appreciate the realese of the source also but, to me the source does not matter becuase I just want to be able to play Blood on my favorite handheld console.

Just another Monolith Fan,

there have been countless trys to get the source of blood by much more organized/reputable groups, your chances should be next to 0
Fraid I cant see them spending that much time on a port, but I hope they will. I'm glad you actually went to the trouble of writing to the developers, so many times I just think I'd like something, but dont get off my arse to do anything about it :)
Good luck.
Shame really. I could see a lot of 2X users, even the ones who don't often pay for software forking over quite a few bux for "Blood GP2X" (Catchy, isn't it?) I myself would pay for this title and any expansions they released for it)