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Oct 13, 2005
United States
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Man, this shit is making feel so depressed. I feel like I wasted 200 dollars on bullshit, I really do. I was one of thr early adopters, first edition from back last year. I havent touched the 2X since I got it. Its a real bitch to work with...and I almost have A+ certification.

I running Firmware v 1.0.1 and my model is a F100.

I had a kodak 64MB SD and couldnt get it to update the first firmware update. Now on this date, almost a year later, I finally got another SD card. A SanDisk 512MB, today. I havent been on these forums for so long and one of the forumers IMs me, etc, whole nother story and I find out about the newest firmware 2.0.. So I go to update....and again, it just boots regular. I am really strapped for cash here, and walmart doesnt give refunds.

I feel like everyone here is so smarter than me for having their stuff updated.then again most of you people probably program fucking supercomputers, so this is nothing. I follow the directions, I put the SD in, switch the 2x on, and nothing. No update screen never appears, Ive turned it on while pressin start+ select, press both buttons whille turning it on, nothing. I think I should just pawn it for 5 bucks....

Ive checked every FAQ and its the same thing, everyone doing it and "w00t"ing for joy.

I guess I just have bad luck. I really dont want to send it back, I dont have the time and/or money to send it back to england or wherever I got it from.

Ive prayed to God that this would update.never does. God must love taking he joy out of my life... :(
aQwaBlaz3 posted on May 30 2006 at 06:51 PM said:
Man, this shit is making feel so depressed. I feel like I wasted 200 dollars on bullshit, I really do. I was one of thr early adopters, first edition from back last year. I havent touched the 2X since I got it. Its a real bitch to work with...and I almost have A+ certification.

I running Firmware v 1.0.1 and my model is a F100.

I had a kodak 64MB SD and couldnt get it to update the first firmware update. Now on this date, almost a year later, I finally got another SD card. A SanDisk 512MB, today. I havent been on these forums for so long and one of the forumers IMs me, etc, whole nother story and I find out about the newest firmware 2.0.. So I go to update....and again, it just boots regular. I am really strapped for cash here, and walmart doesnt give refunds.

I feel like everyone here is so smarter than me for having their stuff updated.then again most of you people probably program fucking supercomputers, so this is nothing. I follow the directions, I put the SD in, switch the 2x on, and nothing. No update screen never appears, Ive turned it on while pressin start+ select, press both buttons whille turning it on, nothing. I think I should just pawn it for 5 bucks....

Ive checked every FAQ and its the same thing, everyone doing it and "w00t"ing for joy.

I guess I just have bad luck. I really dont want to send it back, I dont have the time and/or money to send it back to england or wherever I got it from.

Ive prayed to God that this would update.never does. God must love taking he joy out of my life... :(

Walmart do give refunds you just have to shout "Is it cos I'm gay" at them when they tell you they dont and keep on saying it untill they get the manager and you get your money.

I was feeling the way you are about your Gp2x befor I managed to upgrade to 2.0 but I use it alot more now. If your in Cardiff then I can lend you my firmware compatible card or do it for you.
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its actualy possible that you have one of the very few handhelds with a beta uboot wich dosnt allow updateing, but i doubtit.
Did you try to flash the mage from the wiki to your sd card and than replace the files on the card with the 2.0 fw files? seems to work for some people that way.
Have you tried to use rob's firmware updater? I don't know if there is one for the newer firmwares (i'm still on theodbots 1.4) but it worked on mine way back when when the regular method wouldn't. . .
I think that rob's updater doesn't work with fw 2.0 but you can still update to 1.4 and then try to update further from there. And if you can't you will already be happier with 1.4... get cramfs 1.4 and watch your boot-delay fade away...
aQwaBlaz3 posted on May 30 2006 at 10:51 AM said:
I running Firmware v 1.0.1 and my model is a F100.

I had a kodak 64MB SD and couldnt get it to update the first firmware update. Now on this date, almost a year later, I finally got another SD card. A SanDisk 512MB, today. I havent been on these forums for so long and one of the forumers IMs me, etc, whole nother story and I find out about the newest firmware 2.0.. So I go to update....and again, it just boots regular. I am really strapped for cash here, and walmart doesnt give refunds.

Ive prayed to God that this would update.never does. God must love taking he joy out of my life... :(

1) Just tell them it won't work in your PDA ;) (It is the truth). I told them that, they just took my 1GB SD back and the money came back to my credit card.

2) You likely got ripped off by Wal-Mart, try for $52 150x 2GB SD cards.

3) Beg or borrow the SD from a friend or relative's Digital Camera, almost all use SD now.

4) Don't complain, I had to sell my GP2X for the money, I am so far in the red right now I am selling my PC, see you guys in a month when I build another one (I just got a job).

5) God doesn't care if you never play Korean handheld videogames ever again, honestly, I asked and he said they don't matter. He told me to go look at the stars or a sunset or a forest and that would make me happy.

6) Finally, if none of these appeases you, try calling the store you bought it from and see what they can do, if it is ( they value your business and want to see you happy, bitching here is not likely to make them more willing to deal with you. Honestly the postage is not that bad, is it?

Have you asked what they will do to help you? Whining here will get you nowhere there :). If it is has the first broken firmware they will likely try to help you as it is a known fault of the software.

I could get my A+ right now if I had the money. But I don't know squat about Linux. The GP2X is a bit finicky, but on the off chance it actually doesn't function you can send it back.

@Lettuce Dude: IS it because you are gay? :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :) That was hil-aaarious.
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aQwaBlaz3 posted on May 31 2006 at 01:49 AM said:
I guess Im selling it then. 200 dollars turned into a like 1 dollar. No one at the pawn shop is going to know what it is or want it.

i don't know if you tried the alternative updater by robster for upgrading to pre 2.0 firmwares, anyhow he is making a new one for firmware 2.0!

so might not want to sell it before having tried that.
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aQwaBlaz3 posted on May 31 2006 at 02:49 AM said:
I guess Im selling it then. 200 dollars turned into a like 1 dollar. No one at the pawn shop is going to know what it is or want it.

DON'T!!!! I had this same problem, I thought i did not hava a compatible card so brought a shinny new one, it did the first bit but then no more. i had to re-format my card. Try that. I got the first part done by having my card formatted in FAT32 then the second part would not upgrade so I re-formatted to FAT, powered on with Start + Select and the second part went through.

Try it before selling.

Good Luck!!!!!
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torpor posted on May 31 2006 at 04:57 AM said:
Don't sell it!!

Did you format the SD card fresh, FAT, with a single partition?

If you are going to sell it anyway, let me have it for $100, I will pay shipping, give me a PM.

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Maybe you could ask a fellow GP2Xer to attempt to flash it for you?

The most likely problem is that either:
(*)The card isn't formatted properly
(*)The card isn't firmware flashing complatible.

Rob's updater only works for upgrading to 1.4.