You can use internet on gp2x via usb cable that came with it
to do wireless you need to buy a compatible usb wireless dongle and a GP2X USB HUB
For software to browse the internet we use something called Qtopia kinda like a PDA OS which lets us run Opera web browser
PM if you need help setting this up
And welcome to the community dude Hope you have fun a lil advice though try to use full sentences youll get more helpful because more people will understand what you are writing.
EDIT: Oh yeah try using the search funtion put keywords in commas a seelct relevant forum in drop down box
hey man, i think people are being a bit harsh here.. i asked basicly that same question a week ago. If you are interested here are some useful links to look at:
These should give you are idea of what the problems are with the whole "internet/networking on a gp2x"
Once the new breakout boxes arrive it shouldnt be long for a few wifi drivers to become available (some already are) so you could use a WIFI usb stick. At the moment the general answer for "internet on the gp2x" is no. But things are soon to change... (GPH didnt enable the network functions in FW2.0 for no reason)