Do Not Delete. Gp2x Complaints

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Yamaha YM3812 posted on May 27 2006 at 04:16 PM said:
just relax will you all ..your really maKING my head turn white!

I have a good reason to be a little upset.. someone taking money out of my bank, and not doing hwta they said..

but thats ok you guys are kids.. and kids dont have to pay bills!

isnt that right?

we are all kids right? i mean, what "adult" (not in a chronlogical age sense) would buy a gp2x and play games on it! as for chronological ages of forum members, I think you would be surprised.

unless you wanna turn it into a "im older than you, im better than you". 10 year old mentality ;)

(this thread needs killing...its pretty funny though)
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Yamaha YM3812 posted on May 27 2006 at 09:16 AM said:
just relax will you all ..your really maKING my head turn white!

I have a good reason to be a little upset.. someone taking money out of my bank, and not doing hwta they said..

but thats ok you guys are kids.. and kids dont have to pay bills!

isnt that right?
We aren't all kids. In fact, some of us have ordered stuff from the internet and not gotten our orders for over a week!

You know how there's always that one guy who whines and complains constantly until everybody gets a headache? The guy everybody wishes would find somebody else to talk to?

That's you.
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lintsniffer posted on May 27 2006 at 05:22 PM said:

noone has attempted to flame me for being 'racist' in my last post. (the finnish one)

You guys aren't all crazy ACLU 'civil-rights' liberals!

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I find it strange that I am one of these people you would call a 'kid'. You, on the other hand, are a 27-year-old supposed Austrailian businessman. Yet I seem to be able to form a mature argument over these matters, whereas you cannot, and simply resort to insulting members of this forum, with whom your problem does not lie. I even attempted to help in the early stages of the thread, which you simply ignored and went back to insults.

I hope that this will help you to see how you can obtain guidance from others effectively without being irritating and stubborn.

And if not, you deserve everything you get.
Yamaha YM3812 posted on May 27 2006 at 03:13 PM said:
but sorry my friends.. im not cranky :) even when i posted in capitals before.

you havent seen me :lol:
Oh fear. :ph34r:

Yamaha YM3812 posted on May 27 2006 at 03:20 PM said:
Hello, this is my third day on the internet, i don´t even know how to quote someone in a forum.
I believe that flaming a complete internet community will cause a company to send me my orders faster.
My keyboard has a stuck caps button and my grammar is as good as yoda´s. I am immature and impatient, but i want everyone to believe that i´m not a schoolkid, but a businessman.
I have never ordered anything online and am scared if it doesn´t work like i expected.

And btw, i waited 4 months for my gp2x.
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Yamaha YM3812 posted on May 27 2006 at 04:20 PM said:
ahhhh i see what you kids are doing... and i dont have time for this :)

good luck to all who waiting on there gizmo..


I'd like to sympathise somewhat to Yamaha, as when I had a problem, it took numerous attempts to even get a response from that company. Email, phone, MSN, I tried them all, 3 times before finally getting a reply, so I know how he feels, and my enquiry was about a repair. However, all is well, and they did apologise. :)
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lintsniffer posted on May 27 2006 at 06:14 PM said:
Are you Finnish?

In my experience all the Finnish people (that I've know to be finnish) are mean and tempermental.

If you are Finnish and not mean or tempermental, I apparently don't know you.

Just a strange little experience I had :blink:

Hey, I resent that! :angry:

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Yamaha YM3812 posted on May 27 2006 at 03:57 PM said:
kardasan posted on May 27 2006 at 02:51 PM said:
Yamaha YM3812 posted on May 27 2006 at 03:33 PM said:
I think ..theres a big problem here.. i think.. this guy has ran off with our money. <_<

:lol: oh shet!

In some post before (one that was deleted) you said that you're a buisnessman. What kind of buisnessman lacks patience and acts so childish. Have you ever used Visa card for buying things? Man the money transfer is done just after you click the buy button (or reply to the e-mail from the shop) in almost 90% of shops. That's what they call automatic payment.
In the real world you wait for delivery etc. I waited months for my GP2x MK 1. I must be a God huh?

kardasan whatever your name is.. why are speaking to me?
im not bothered to even reply to you.. im not talking to you. go talk to someone who i know you?

I think your just a brainless person in this planet, and duty is to be like that until you die...thats your destiny..i already know... heres 50 cents go buy yourself some pretzels.
kardasan posted on May 27 2006 at 04:12 PM said:
KoH posted on May 27 2006 at 05:06 PM said:

That was evil man. These people are sick you know. I've known few people like this and they aren't stupid, they're even more sensitive and caring than many people
My sister has downsyndrom so I resent this a fucking lot. KoH if I every meet you be sure to watch out as I'll have at least something I can use as a weapon should you once again act like a stupid fucking prat with no compassion for others.
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GP2x = GP32 posted on May 27 2006 at 07:13 PM said:
My sister has downsyndrom so I resent this a fucking lot. KoH if I every meet you be sure to watch out as I'll have at least something I can use as a weapon should you once again act like a stupid fucking prat with no compassion for others.

And that makes you better than him?
But i very dislike his post too.
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I love the title;

"Do Not Delete" :lol: :lol: :lol:

I don't think anyone will be too upset if I just close this love-fest ...

(... damn hippies...)
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