Race Problem..


Still Fresh
Feb 3, 2006
so this RACE emulator emulates Neo Geo Pocket / Color games..

if i run RACE.gpe it runs bomberman..
if i run RACEscript.gpe it runs bombmerman..
if i run selectorRACE.gpe it blacks out and goes back to the menu..
and the same blackout when i run selectorRACEOC.gpe

i jus wanna play some roms..so what do i do?

im sure im missing something completely huh... :lol:

any help would be greatly appriciated.
From the RACE topic:

I should say that anyone that wants to try this on their GP2X might have a better experience if they drop in the following files. I didn't include them because they're not mine to include.

selector (file selector executable)
fondo.png (file selector background)
cpu_speed.gpu (not really necessary)
*.ngp (you might want something to emulate)

Did you put these files in the same folder as your "selectorRACE.gpe" file? Roms need to go in the same folder ...
Kronos43 posted on May 23 2006 at 11:52 PM said:
nvm i think i realized my problem.

Ok, now THIS irks me .... would you mind explaining what your problem was, and how you solved it, in case others have a similar issue? :)
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erm well i was gonna edit my post and say this before but i was rudely inturrupted by your post! :P

i read thru that before in the news section and i didnt realize i had to put in selector, i thought it came with it.

so i read too fast!

im sorry!

thank you for your help

i lose good day sir.