Xcom Port


Still Fresh
May 20, 2006
I have no idea how possible this is, but what about a port for the classic first two XCOM games. Without a mouse it might be hard to acheive this..but still.

Also, as for source code there maybe so some available, there may not... UFO2000 is an open source game built on the XCOM engines, but designed for multiplayer. Im sure the developer of this has access to the source files somewhere.

Does anyone remember this game? IMO its still the best strategy game every released (the first one)
There is UFO: Defense for Amiga which is currently emulated and the game itself is playabe. However, its slow(that the way i see it, if you like playing with 1-4fps you can go ahead.)
Um... déjà vu?

EDIT: I just realised it was me just being stupid... I spotted this before but forgot to reply to it...
EDIT: Pedanticism will get you a beating. Leave me alone I should be sleeping. (added the accent... seeing as I missed it.)
lol... smartasses!

Yeah, Xcom would be nice. Are the sources of that UFO2000 thing using sdl? I am too lazy to look it up...

UFO2000 is written in portable C++ and is known to compile and run on Linux, FreeBSD and Windows. Latest beta versions of UFO2000 also support 64-bit Linux (on amd64) and MacOS X

I found this on their forums

void gameloop() is more than 600 lines long! and contains everything: keyboard input handling, game mechanics, loading from data files, game menus....
it mainly consists of it's more than 100 IF causes... oO
this is 100 lines out of 600 only IFs...

It sounds like this code has been really poorly written! Probably no point in attempting a port (even if you could figure out what the code was doing)

Maybe XCOM on a GP2x is just to much of an ask!
i plan on writting a native roguelike game, just for the GP2x, (once I get it!)

An xcom style project will require multiple contributers, as its far to much for one person to take on!
the ufo2000 project is multiplayer only and to the best of my knowledge doesnt contain a geoscope and certainly none of the single player missions etc - all that would have to be written from the ground up :(

However, it does use the original source files so it would be a good point of refrance for people who wish to understand the xcom file formats if someone wished to create an interpreter from the ground up. big big undertaking that one though.
Sephnroth posted on May 23 2006 at 11:48 PM said:
However, it does use the original source files so it would be a good point of refrance for people who wish to understand the xcom file formats if someone wished to create an interpreter from the ground up. big big undertaking that one though.

this is why i mentioned this particular project, the fact that they managed to use all the original xcom data files. There are a number of *excelent* xcom clones being developed, some in very advanced stages, for example the X-Force project;


however, this game would be impossible to port to the GP2x (for one, its not even ported to regular desktop linux systems yet).

I think some things just aren't possible on the GP2x, looking at it realisticly...I should have spent more time thinking about this before posting! lol
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Once I get my GP2X and a little spare time I'm planning on doing an isometric strategy game, although it'll be more like Lords Of Chaos (an earlier game from the Gollops) but the plan is to make it function entirely via scripts so that a user mod could conceivably make something more X-Commy with it. Bit ambitious, possibly, but its something I've wanted to do for aaaaaages and it's entirely within my programming ability.
well the idea of porting it is pretty pointless considering that noone will ever really use networking. It would only make sense if we could for example play the old Xcom campaigns or newly created single player maps etc. So it would actually just be a waste of precious time :(
I love Xcom but as a network game it wouldn't make that much sense, singleplayer game would rule though. :)
In fact it does make sense as multiplayer and many people like it as it is :) It just does not make much sense as multiplayer for GP2X.

As for singleplayer, you or anybody else are free to make it. You have a choice of either making it completely from scratch or making some use of already existing UFO2000 tactical engine. Taking existing sources may save a lot of efforts and also benefit UFO2000 community as well by providing patches and improving the game.

PS. I wonder why you have been talking here for a long time without actually contacting UFO2000 developers. I might have even got GP2X instead of Nokia 770 then if contacted first. Communication is a key to success ;)
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In fact it does make sense as multiplayer and many people like it as it is :) It just does not make much sense as multiplayer for GP2X.

Yeah, that was what I meant. It doesn't make much sense as multiplayer for gp2x. :P Wasn't trying to diss anything, while I haven't played it, I'm sure it's pretty good. :)

As for the rest, people are quite hesistant to contact developers, althought the few times it has been done cool things have happened like Daphne or Zelda Classic. :)
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Has anyone seen that there is a company porting (or already ported) X-COM : UFO to the Pocket PC. Since it's ARM and likely written in C++, there's a safe bet it will be reasonably easy to port to the GP2X. I will try and dig out the site later.
Has anyone seen that there is a company porting (or already ported) X-COM : UFO to the Pocket PC. Since it's ARM and likely written in C++, there's a safe bet it will be reasonably easy to port to the GP2X. I will try and dig out the site later.
Here it is: http://www.smksoftware.ru/index.php?page=105&lang=en
As far as I know, it is a small company founded by a few developers. They started to develop X-COM clone using X-COM graphics in the hope that it would be possible to come to agreement with the original X-COM title owner and make a commercial game. They failed to get any response so now distribute the game as freeware (but no sources are available).

By the way, some people suspected that their game is based on UFO2000 sources (because of obvious similarities as we use the same graphics and as PocketUFO also had only tactical part at that time) violating GPL license and started flaming in PocketUFO forums. So PocketUFO authors contacted us and assured that while they used UFO2000 sources as a reference for X-COM data files formats, no code was directly taken from it. That's how we became aware of this project :)

At that time we did not have any plans for porting the game to mobile devices. So PocketUFO developed into a full X-COM remake over time, but we mainly focused on the development of an extensible tactical engine and multiplayer.
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