First Games

First game I bought was probably Little Big Adventure.
The first game I played was probably some sort of educational title, or Commander Keen.
Or Lemmings, or Prince of Persia, I don't really remember that well.
WarmFluffyUK posted on May 25 2006 at 05:36 PM said:
Oh my gawd I forgot about Astro Wars:

Very simple but fun to play!

They have one of those for sale in a 2nd hand shop near me, they also have a couple of those computer games from ther same kind of time period, the ones that look a bit like binoculars. they are red in color (maby other colors aswell)

The one they have is a tank game, and another one that i cant remmber.

All 3 items are boxed.

Do you think that its worth buying them to sell on to collectors, I thought about getting them the other day but didnt have any spare money on me at the time.

they are £5 each, but im sure i could do a deal on all of them
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KoH posted on May 28 2006 at 08:14 PM said:
WarmFluffyUK posted on May 25 2006 at 05:36 PM said:
Oh my gawd I forgot about Astro Wars:

Very simple but fun to play!

They have one of those for sale in a 2nd hand shop near me, they also have a couple of those computer games from ther same kind of time period, the ones that look a bit like binoculars. they are red in color (maby other colors aswell)

The one they have is a tank game, and another one that i cant remmber.

All 3 items are boxed.

Do you think that its worth buying them to sell on to collectors, I thought about getting them the other day but didnt have any spare money on me at the time.

they are £5 each, but im sure i could do a deal on all of them

Thundering Turbo

Sky Attack

Shark Attack

Planet Zeon

I had the red one Thundering Turbo quite a few (23ish) years ago.

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Star Raiders for the Atari 800. The game came with the machine and was definitely the first game I ever played. Still a good game, GP32 brought it back :D after we through out my old atari. :(
The earliet game I ever played was on the Atari800XL

I don't remember what it was called, but you had to try and save a princess. You also had to jump over crocodiles, some of which were two-headed. (Incidently if anyone knows the name of this then I'd appreciate that.)

The first system of my own was my NES. First game I played on a NES was Kung Fu, on some kids NES down the street.
I can proudly say I have been there from the start. From a ski jump game played on a teletype over a university mainframe in the 70s, to pong, to first arcade games, and culminating in a self build zx-80 and my own first games, followed by good old 3d monster maze on the zx-81, and the rest is history. Yes I am way too old.

Alex. posted on May 22 2006 at 06:34 AM said:
Then I played Prehistoric, another awesome platformer featuring a caveman, about which Google finds nothing.
That's because it's spelled with a 'k': Prehistorik. Screenshot here:

Nova posted on May 23 2006 at 02:33 AM said:
Oh, and if anyone can find me a copy of Jason Jupitor, they will recieve a paypal based reward.
Here it is, if you want it.
I don't think we need worry about any "paypal based reward". Your eternal gratitude will be more than enough. :D

Back on topic: My first game was some sorta 'Space Invader' handheld. I remember it was beige in colour, and had three space invaders at a time up the top of the screen... Apart from that it would have been some sorta Hanimex-esque pong/tennis/squash/soccer cartridge thingy. Was fun at the time - the birth of my love of multiplayer. :)

Sweet! I found a picture of it! I am so cool. B)
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WarmFluffyUK posted on May 25 2006 at 09:58 PM said:
You're right about the workbench though, it was loosly basen on linux if I remember correctly. Remember using MEmacs to edit s/startup-sequence.

er, no.

The Linux kernel was originally developed in 1991 (and the first GUI later still).
The first Amigas came out mid 80s.

Back on topic.
The first system I remember playing was an Intellivision. I do remember a Ten Pin Bowling game (most likely Bowling), a game where you flew a spaceship along a trench Star-Wars style (might have been Space Strike) and some totally weird offf-the-wall bee game that I really can't remember anything about (other than it was to do with bees) than I can't find any info on.

Anyway, we actually had no end of problems with the hardware, tried 3 different Intellivision untils with no luck (bad batch), and in the end got a Commodore Vic20 instead. My favourite games on that were a Galaxian clone and Raid on Fort Knox.

The first ever arcade game I played was Pole Position 2. And TX-1 (but not at the same time though).
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WarmFluffyUK posted on May 25 2006 at 09:58 PM said:
You're right about the workbench though, it was loosly basen on linux if I remember correctly. Remember using MEmacs to edit s/startup-sequence.

er, no.

The Linux kernel was originally developed in 1991 (and the first GUI later still).
The first Amigas came out mid 80s.

Oops I meant Unix
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