First Games


Duke Nukem 3D = Crazy Delicious!
Jan 14, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
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What is your first game(s) that you remember playing?

I personally remember playing games like Duke Nukem 3D and Descent when I was 6 on my 486. Later when Alpha Centauri came out when I was 8, I remember playing that obsessively.

Alpha Centauri on GP2X would be a dream... :wub: :rolleyes:
Super Mario Bros. & Duck Hunt (the cartridge with both games on em) on the NES.
Possibly Pitfall! for the 2600, possibly SMB for the NES, or possibly Chrono Trigger for SNES.

Those are the first games I can remember playing, though during what years, I have no clue. Pitfall was probably the first game I ever played.
Thomas Dequinas posted on May 20 2006 at 09:53 PM said:
Super Mario Bros. & Duck Hunt (the cartridge with both games on em) on the NES.
I think thats the game currently in my NES. Annnd the orange zapper!

EDIT: currently in my NES now? wtf?
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It was so long ago, but not hard to remember. It was pong on the home console which also had the light guns and target shooting 'game'. Two games in one unit ! How awesome was that.
Blimey all you lot and your next gen consoles ;)

My first game experience was pong in the arcade and then a year or two later on intellivision.

My first real addiction was Galaxian in the bus station cafe when I was waiting for the bus home from college (yes I am that old ;)) followed a couple of years later by Jet Pack and Manic Miner for the speccy.
Lemmings on amiga 500.

I'm sure I played something before then, but thats the first I can remember
I remember playing these games when I was younger:

Q-Bob, SkyRoads, Numorous Donkey Kong clones, Jazz Jackrabit, Jetpack, and hordes of other dos shareware games.
Some simple "shoot something in the 1st-level and se what's behind 1 of 3 doors"-game my big brother made for some pre-C64 computer we had... But remember the later C64-experience more... Particulary after I learned to type Load"*",8,1 or whatever