Gp2x Or Xgp


Still Fresh
May 14, 2006
The title explains it all really, I'm in the market for one of these fantastic machines and I'm wondering if its worth it to wait for the release of the XGP, or to go ahead and purchase a GP2X now. Any opinions are extremely appreciated, I'm really interested in these things. Thanks.
outofsync posted on May 14 2006 at 05:31 AM said:
The title explains it all really, I'm in the market for one of these fantastic machines and I'm wondering if its worth it to wait for the release of the XGP, or to go ahead and purchase a GP2X now. Any opinions are extremely appreciated, I'm really interested in these things. Thanks.

Depends on what you want it for.

XGP has 16:9 screen, analog stick. Good for movies and 3D games but poor for emulators. GP2X has a digital stick and 4:3 320 x 240 screen, great for emulators, not as good for movies and 3D games. Of course if it is 3D and movies you want maybe just get a PSP.
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It is also worth note that the XGP will debut much higher in price than the GP2X is. I believe there were reports that it would be equal to nearly $300. However, it seems to be able to do more.
Its kinda of wierd.. There isnt a straight answer from yes or no if the GPOS from the XGP is the same as the one from the XGP kids handheld.. If it is then the xgp would probably be a good choice. Its 295$USD or something when it gets released.

If the thing does play gp32 progs then you get emus = to gp2x [for the moment.. psx is comming along godlike speed], and better movie/mp3 playback. Plus the xgp is a hella sexy looking machine. ^^

The gp2x however has its good points too. Battery life is quite nice, uses AA's. Its emus are equal to that of the gp32 except for the fact that the new psx emu by zodttd, unai, tiddus, etc xD They suggest that it will run at 40fps or more when they get it tweaked the way they want. [This leads to the fact of the gp2x being the first handhled to ever emulate the psx at a decent rate :).] Gp2x video and music arent bad.. They are just kind of fawked up at the momen o.O Mp3 sometimes freezes after a fewhours of use, or continual track chaging. [They finally fixed the random volume increase when fast forwarding thru a song, or random increase of it during a song switch.] The movie player is well.. wierd o.O Works good when u convert to 320X, but at 640X or higher it has seizures. The gp2x, however looks like a psp clone and people laugh at it!

PSP sucks, dont get that unless you want to sacrifice homebrew for the mainstream games.. Its emus are better, but if you dont upg your FW it wont let you play newest games out for the psp.

Go fora gp2x now.. And get a xgp after. Sony is just wierd.
DaveC posted on May 14 2006 at 05:52 AM said:
Depends on what you want it for.

XGP has 16:9 screen, analog stick. Good for movies and 3D games but poor for emulators. GP2X has a digital stick and 4:3 320 x 240 screen, great for emulators, not as good for movies and 3D games. Of course if it is 3D and movies you want maybe just get a PSP.

But the games on the PSP suck, so... No. And what's so bad about a 16:9 screen for emulation? Is a border really that bad?
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Anhaedra posted on May 14 2006 at 03:43 AM said:
DaveC posted on May 14 2006 at 05:52 AM said:
Depends on what you want it for.

XGP has 16:9 screen, analog stick. Good for movies and 3D games but poor for emulators. GP2X has a digital stick and 4:3 320 x 240 screen, great for emulators, not as good for movies and 3D games. Of course if it is 3D and movies you want maybe just get a PSP.

But the games on the PSP suck, so...
But the games on the XGP are nonexistant, and likely won't be from a wide array of popular companies...
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Well, this may clear things up for me. From what I've picked up, the XGP will have better hardware, but pretty much no emulation. If that's the case, then GP2X here I come.
Anhaedra posted on May 14 2006 at 07:43 AM said:
DaveC posted on May 14 2006 at 05:52 AM said:
Depends on what you want it for.

XGP has 16:9 screen, analog stick. Good for movies and 3D games but poor for emulators. GP2X has a digital stick and 4:3 320 x 240 screen, great for emulators, not as good for movies and 3D games. Of course if it is 3D and movies you want maybe just get a PSP.

But the games on the PSP suck, so... No. And what's so bad about a 16:9 screen for emulation? Is a border really that bad?

That has been explained before many times.

But here it is again. A 4" 240 x 272 widescreen will give you a TINY GBA micro sized image at 1:1. To get any decent sized image you will need to stretch, and you know what a 4:3 320 x 240 image will look like stretched out to 16:9 480 x 272? Shit.
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outofsync posted on May 14 2006 at 04:42 PM said:
Well, this may clear things up for me. From what I've picked up, the XGP will have better hardware, but pretty much no emulation. If that's the case, then GP2X here I come.
Don't forget that everything you have ever heard about the XGP are either complete guesses or based on very early (and very sparse) specs and information. All that anyone can accurately tell you about the XGP at this stage is that it isn't going to be available for many months and there's likely to be more than one version. I wouldn't be at all suprised if the specs, compatibility, and even the case designs change before the XGP is released (if it ever is - I don't think there's any guarentee that it will actually make it past the prototype stage yet).
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iignotus posted on May 14 2006 at 03:10 PM said:
But the games on the XGP are nonexistant, and likely won't be from a wide array of popular companies...

Quake III, Unreal Tournament, Unreal, Nexuiz, Quake, Quake II, Tenebrae, Marathon Aleph One, Cube, Doomsday, TORCS, Racer, and other various free linux games will run on the XGP. Also N64 emulation is much more likely to happen on the XGP, since it has 3D OpenGL accleration and an FPU. People might even be able to get Deus Ex to run by modifying the Unreal Tournament engine to be more similar to the Deus Ex one. I don't care for GTA:LCS or NFS:Crap or anything made by EA really, so a PSP would not be a very good choice for me. If I wanted lots of good commercial games I would get a DS, probably.

DaveC posted on May 14 2006 at 04:32 PM said:
That has been explained before many times.

But here it is again. A 4" 240 x 272 widescreen will give you a TINY GBA micro sized image at 1:1. To get any decent sized image you will need to stretch, and you know what a 4:3 320 x 240 image will look like stretched out to 16:9 480 x 272? Shit.

Okay then, leave 3D emulation and homebrew to the XGP, and emulation to the GP2X. Simple. Although I don't see what the big deal is with using borders, we already do that in squidgesnes and Fishynes on the GP2X, and it looks fine. Wouldn't the border just look different? The PSP already does this, and it doesn't look bad. It just needs an image border like squidgesnes and it doesn't look so bad then.
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Anhaedra posted on May 14 2006 at 07:04 PM said:
Quake III, Unreal Tournament, Unreal, Nexuiz, Quake, Quake II, Tenebrae, Marathon Aleph One, Cube, Doomsday, TORCS, Racer, and other various free linux games will run on the XGP. Also N64 emulation is much more likely to happen on the XGP.

The only one with a reasonable screen is a prototype :angry:

I did giggle at your list though, it made me laugh.

I read Quake3 and thought ok that would be exciting. Although Unreal Tournament, Unreal are never going to happen. Quake, Quake II, Marathon Alepha One have software rendering. same,Tenebrae = Souped up Quake, Doomsday = souped up Hexen ,Heretic , Doom. Cube is just an engine. That leaves Nexuiz & TORCS. I think your exaggerating the potential of 3D ports. The only ones I could think to add is Trackballs,Neverball and Neverputt all great, but seriously there is not a lot.

Emulation wise that leaves last gen console emulation, playstation/dreamcast/n64

The problem I see is this
n64 =
Dreamcast =
Playstaion =
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why not unreal? it haves a opengl rendering mode and xgp haves opengl-es, so why should it be impossible?

Pentium II 233 MHz; 32 MB RAM; 100 MB HDD; gfx with 4 MB ram (Software-Mode) or 8 MB (hardware-3d)
Cyclops posted on May 14 2006 at 09:54 PM said:
Anhaedra posted on May 14 2006 at 07:04 PM said:
Quake III, Unreal Tournament, Unreal, Nexuiz, Quake, Quake II, Tenebrae, Marathon Aleph One, Cube, Doomsday, TORCS, Racer, and other various free linux games will run on the XGP. Also N64 emulation is much more likely to happen on the XGP.

The only one with a reasonable screen is a prototype :angry:

I did giggle at your list though, it made me laugh.

I read Quake3 and thought ok that would be exciting. Although Unreal Tournament, Unreal are never going to happen. Quake, Quake II, Marathon Alepha One have software rendering.

Emulation wise that leaves last gen console emulation, playstation/dreamcast/n64

The problem I see is this
n64 =
Dreamcast =
Playstaion =

Er, why would UT and Unreal never happen? They use OpenGL and the source is available for both... And there is GLQuake and probably an opengl version of Quake II, and Aleph One uses OpenGL. Ok, cube is only an engine but games could be made with it.

Edit: I just read the post telling why unreal is not possible. :(
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I'm incredibly tempted to purchase an GP2X, and may do so in a few days. I just want to be sure it's the right thing I'm getting here. I want a handheld machine that can emulate some of my favorite games, games that were on the GBC, NES, SNES, Genesis, in the arcades and the like. And It'd be cool to watch a South Park episode or two as well. Am I about to buy the system that will let me do all of these things without having to ask for help every step along the way?
Anhaedra posted on May 14 2006 at 06:04 PM said:
Okay then, leave 3D emulation and homebrew to the XGP, and emulation to the GP2X. Simple. Although I don't see what the big deal is with using borders, we already do that in squidgesnes and Fishynes on the GP2X, and it looks fine. Wouldn't the border just look different? The PSP already does this, and it doesn't look bad. It just needs an image border like squidgesnes and it doesn't look so bad then.

No big deal but again because the screen res is 480 x 272 and only 4" and 16:9 on the XGP (the PSP is 4.3") the pixels are much smaller. This will give a large border but also a SMALLER image size. Something like NeoGeo that fills the GP2X screen closely to about 3.2" would only be about 2.7" on the XGP at 1:1.

So the "big deal" is smaller image size on the XGP at 1:1.
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outofsync posted on May 15 2006 at 03:31 AM said:
I'm incredibly tempted to purchase an GP2X, and may do so in a few days. I just want to be sure it's the right thing I'm getting here. I want a handheld machine that can emulate some of my favorite games, games that were on the GBC, NES, SNES, Genesis, in the arcades and the like. And It'd be cool to watch a South Park episode or two as well. Am I about to buy the system that will let me do all of these things without having to ask for help every step along the way?

Pretty much, though you may find that SNES is a bit slow, but playable.
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