Its kinda of wierd.. There isnt a straight answer from yes or no if the GPOS from the XGP is the same as the one from the XGP kids handheld.. If it is then the xgp would probably be a good choice. Its 295$USD or something when it gets released.
If the thing does play gp32 progs then you get emus = to gp2x [for the moment.. psx is comming along godlike speed], and better movie/mp3 playback. Plus the xgp is a hella sexy looking machine. ^^
The gp2x however has its good points too. Battery life is quite nice, uses AA's. Its emus are equal to that of the gp32 except for the fact that the new psx emu by zodttd, unai, tiddus, etc

They suggest that it will run at 40fps or more when they get it tweaked the way they want. [This leads to the fact of the gp2x being the first handhled to ever emulate the psx at a decent rate

.] Gp2x video and music arent bad.. They are just kind of fawked up at the momen

Mp3 sometimes freezes after a fewhours of use, or continual track chaging. [They finally fixed the random volume increase when fast forwarding thru a song, or random increase of it during a song switch.] The movie player is well.. wierd

Works good when u convert to 320X, but at 640X or higher it has seizures. The gp2x, however looks like a psp clone and people laugh at it!
PSP sucks, dont get that unless you want to sacrifice homebrew for the mainstream games.. Its emus are better, but if you dont upg your FW it wont let you play newest games out for the psp.
Go fora gp2x now.. And get a xgp after. Sony is just wierd.