Don't be evil!
Rlyeh pointed out that there is some gpx info from e3 by xan_vision in the gp32spain forums at.
Here are the pictures, and a raw translation by rlyeh.
Here are the pictures, and a raw translation by rlyeh.

- gamepark got a E3 stand at E3, in the Korean zone.
- XGP will be launched in Novemember in USA and Korea.
- Price is 295 US $
- Its fully retrocompatible with GP32
- Its homebrew friendly now. Like GP32.
- The mobile function is finally disabled. Wifi and SMS/MMS seem to be there yet.
[xan_vision] saw a Quakish style game very smooth, about 60 fps, with corrected perspective, smoothed textured, and maybe shaders. he will try to get more info about this.