OK, here's a question for the experts. .


Still Fresh
Aug 14, 2003
OK, a friend of mine(computer iliterite), bought a GP32 and wanted me to set it all up. Seeing I did mine w/ no problem, I said fine. Well, everything seemed to go well, I registered w/ his name, etc, got the needed files and such. Grabbed the Free Launcher and installed it successfully. Now, when I turn on the GP, and go into GAME, it showes the FREE LAUNCHER program, I select it, but it won't run. The system goes no further until I hit the "B" button, then it goes back to the "Game" screen. Now what's up with that? I have been pulling my hair out trying to figure it out, but I can't. I have deleted the free launcher a couple times and re-installed, but made no difference. Any advice? :o
I think I have figured it out- this is rather strange. I had everything installed, etc. I decided to put the 2 overclocked SNES emu's in GPMM, and the roms in a SNES directory. Well, I couldn't get the Free Launcher to start. I then, for the hell of it, erased those 2 emu's and just installed the original version, and BAM, everything worked now- strange. For whatever reason, Free Launcher wasn't seeing that I had any programs(emu's) in the directory if I had just the overclocked files in there.
Man, OK, scratch that. Everything explained in my second post was running the SMS card in MY GP32. I then took the card out and put it into my freinds GP, and again, it won't get past the Free Launcher program- HELP.
What programs do you have on the SMC that won't boot? make sure oyu have something then free laucnher can see. Try asking for help on joygp, email them. They'll respond. You could try reregistering too
It sounds like you might be using the same copy of Freelauncher with your Friend's GP32 as in your own, which since Freelauncher is encrypted to a single GP32's ID, won't work. If you download the registration wizard again (hated program) and get him a copy of it that way it ought to work. That said, if this is what you DID, then I've absolutely no clue how to fix it...
I have tried to re-register, to no avail. I only have the Free Launcher installed and SNES9x emu. If I take my friends SMS card out of his GP and put it into mine, it works fine, but I put it back in his, and it doesn't get past Free Launcher. If I take my own personal SMS out of my GP and put it into his GP, again, it doesn't get past the Free Launcher screen. Perhaps it has something to do w/ the registering process, where only one account, so to speak, is allowed from the same computer? Yet, I originally had the non flu unit, then upgraded to the flu unit and had to re-register, and I had no problems doing that.
It might be something to do with that, perhaps. You could try the alternative method of registering, using GPS2 to get hold of the Unit ID and then doing it through mIRC. It's more complex, but should be just as good in the end - see the newbie faq on GP32emu for more details...

yeah your whole problem comes down to registration problems. If you register your gp32 download free launcher it should work fine on only the gp32 that you registered it with. If you try putting that same version of free launcher on another gp32 it won't work. Only software registered for your gp32 will work on your gp32 you can't lend it to other people. This is true of free launcher and any games you download from joygp, They will work only on the gp32 that they are registered for. If you where to buy a gp32 game from a store in a box it would work on any gp32 but you couldn't copy it to another smc and have it run. Its all about copy protection so keep that in mind that if its not registered for your gp32 it won't work and you can't really copy stuff from one gp32 to another.