Question about Windups


Jun 3, 2003
Bethesda, MD
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I have a question about Windups. Basically, I can't seem to load programs from it. When I try, the screen goes blank for a moment and I'm back at the GP32 startup screen. I know my programs are working, because they all load up fine from the Free Launcher. What's going on?


Whats the extension?

.fxe's work fine but some others don't work, ie most of the games from JoyGP
You've prolly done this, and it is dumb for me 2 say it, but there is always someone who dosen't know: Do you have fresh battries?
That's a perfectly reasonable suggestion, but I don't think batteries have anything to do with this problem. They're relatively new i.e. I've used them less than 2 hours. <_<

It's not the end of the world, but I'm really curious as to why this is happening since Windups has gotten generally positive reviews and has several neat features.

That's a perfectly reasonable suggestion, but I don't think batteries have anything to do with this problem. They're relatively new i.e. I've used them less than 2 hours. <_<

It's not the end of the world, but I'm really curious as to why this is happening since Windups has gotten generally positive reviews and has several neat features.

Did you install Wind-Ups yourself, or did you get it from flashing your firmware?
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Why we're on the vague subject of batteries, I got some rechargeable AA betteries the other day. I charged them up like it said to (until the lights flashed green), and after around 2 - 3 hours play, they just cut out. They still have power, but whenever I swithc my GP32 on, it will always crash it, eitehr at bootup or a few minutes after being switched on.

It's really pissing me off, cos batterries cost a fair bit (the amount I use!), and I spent a tenner on these poxy crappy rechargables.

Does anyone else have/had a similar problem with batteries dying so fast?
Wind-ups FXE loader code is broken and it will crash randomly depending on the FXE icon data and structure of the FXE. A lot of FXEs are compressed these days and
wind-ups fails to load those FXEs in 100% accuracy <_<

There are three workarounds for this problem:
1) get fixed wind-ups binary from my site (
2) get encoded & fixed wind-ups binary from #gp32 (that !applist and !encrypt
trigger stuff)
3) install MultiFirmware (also available from and boot
into wind-ups directly from FW.
heh.. there was still fourth workaround.. converting FXEs to GXBs also helps B)
Even with a flashed bios I still can't open the second version of the mp3 player, I have to do it through pacrom. It does that for me on some other files as well.
That's a perfectly reasonable suggestion, but I don't think batteries have anything to do with this problem. They're relatively new i.e. I've used them less than 2 hours. <_<

It's not the end of the world, but I'm really curious as to why this is happening since Windups has gotten generally positive reviews and has several neat features.

Did you install Wind-Ups yourself, or did you get it from flashing your firmware?

I installed Windups myself. I have NOT flashed the firmware as I've heard it can ruin a GP32. I just spent $200 on this thing and don't want to take any chances. :)

I'm going to try Mr. Spiv's first suggestion and see what happens...

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