can't be longer than 2 months right?
PokeParadox posted on May 3 2006 at 01:20 AM said:I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... but I keep getting "Failed to find real path for mount point" After doing this:
"smbmnt // /mnt/ext"
I've also tried
smbmnt //KEVS/GP2X /mnt/ext
smbmnt // /mnt/winshared
smbmnt //KEVS/GP2X /mnt/winshared
but it just refuses to mount this shared directoryAny ideas?
make sure you have all the options in the extended system menu from the gp2x turned on,
smbmnt // /mnt/winshared
did the thang for me, but i used /mnt/ext instead so it goes in the ext. file storage folder from which you cna easily run your stuff from on the gp2x
if it really doesnt work, try changing 234 to 235, i forgot which one you actually have to type in here, its getting so confusing... but maybe that works, just try it out
good luck!
edit: ahh i forgot something! try first this:
modprobe smbfs
smbmnt // /mnt/winshared -o username=root,password=root
(notice the new last part)
and change 234 to 235 if it doesnt work
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