GP32 Devs Only: What You Working On?


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Nov 16, 2003
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It's getting a little quiet in here, so come on, spit it out, tell us what your working on currently :)

Myself, I'm back to optimizing the hell out of PCEngine :D Rewriting the CPU core in asm, as well as some of the graphics stuff. I'm determined to get it running well over 60 fps :D
EDIT: Arrrgh... didn't see the forum section... sorry! >_> (The curse of "view new posts")

On the GP2X ... I am supposed to be working on the engine for the group AdventureRPG project but actually I'm working on:

JPong - Pong in Java... suprisingly... it's coursework for my mobile and webgames module.
StuntCarX - a 3D game... is now going to have nothing to do with cars... since I can't make the track renderrer work properly... This is coursework for my Realtime 3D graphics module... I think it might turn into Space Invaders in 3D... or something O.o I will make in into some sort of simple game anyway.

I have other courseworks I need to do... but I'm not currently working on them...
Was this intended for the GP32 ? If so I am working on a version of jetpac as I imagine it would have looked if Ultimate had written it after KnightLore, instead of before.

Squidge, what happened to the different kind of emulator ?
Messing with SquidgeSnes, DrMD and DrSMS but Gamepark keep frigging with the fucking firmware and things that used to work now do not work. Its starting to piss me off.
A little cartoony "beat the goalie" type game. Nothing fancy, just a 'tea-break' game.
Moving slowly on it though as I've not got a huge amount of spare time.
Doh! This thread was supposed to be under the gp2x. Shouldn't matter that much tho' Hando should rearrange the board design...

The gp2x emu is currently sitting on the back burner, but I get it out and play with it from time to time - there's still a lot that needs doing however, and some parts of it are very confusing, so I tend to wonder off onto other projects.

Reesy: I know what you mean, sounds like we need to hit the hardware directly (without linux) to get a stable platform, as the hardware through Linux is constantly being modified and changed.

I'm waiting for the release of the source for the new fw2.00 uboot, as that should tell us how to do sound without Linux and may have a stable file system.
Squidge posted on Apr 30 2006 at 04:14 AM said:
Doh! This thread was supposed to be under the gp2x.
I've got several projects going (probably too many). I'm porting Nethack, working on a demo (even though I'm not eligible to win the competition I'm making an entry anyway). And I found a new game to be inspired by screenshots, so I have a new game project underway.

Once the "Group Game Project" gets to the point where it's time to start coding, I'll be working on that too. I hope to have Nethack finished by the time that happens, as three simultaneous projects is plenty.
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Squidge posted on Apr 30 2006 at 11:14 AM said:
I'm waiting for the release of the source for the new fw2.00 uboot, as that should tell us how to do sound without Linux and may have a stable file system.

Cool it will be great to get sound working without linux.
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I'm damn bored at work, so i figured i'd read the forums a little.
I got loads of projects as usual.

1) Working on a debugger, currently ~working with the gp32 and gp2x via JTAG.
2) Virtualization of a certain ARM7 based console on the gp2x.
3) Porting my 3D and physics engine to the gp2x.

And ofcourse alot of other stuff.
A high-end top-scrolling shooter engine in the 'Danmaku'/Curtain Fire shmup style (lots of bullets, very fast and intense reflex-testing gameplay) and temporarily on hold but still in-development, a 3D FPS based on the Quake engine, an adapation of a total-conversion on the PC side of things.
Working on a overhead road racing game (think Nitro for the Amiga) but with the playfield that rotates/scales against the direction/height of the car/camera versus a fixed 2D playing field. Hard to explain but should be fun.
Flavor posted on May 4 2006 at 04:05 AM said:
NGPC emulation

Full speed with sound from what I know too :)
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Working on a little demo to show how to use the new features I'm adding to SDL (as well as adding those features at the same time :D )
Hopefully I'll get around to starting the game idea that I've had, but Dragon Quest is eating my free time :rolleyes:
No idea if you guys will be interested or not, but here's what I've been slaving away at:
J Pong X (The X makes it better™)

I also have finished my 3D project. I will post this on my site too when I have the time (still more courseworks to finish!) Hopefully with a bit of luck can actually do some GP2X coding shortly!
Just finished the alpha engine for a Kuru Kuru Kururin game I'm working on in SDL and getting ready to port, just waiting for some levels and the beta will be ready.

Aside from that, I'm doing something I thought I'd never dare doing - a 64KB demo.