The N64 Mod


Nov 25, 2005
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So you have a GP2X and you don't want to order a DaveC cap? Well I found a simple solution.

1. Acquire an N64 controller (They can be had for as little as 2$ at EBgames)

2. Pull the analog stick cap off

3. Take a small flathead screwdriver and hollow out the hole a bit (not too much, it can break easily)

4. Slip on. If it doesn't fit, hollow it out some more. It's a good idea to hollow a little then try it. If you hollow it too much, the cap will rotate freely and it can be annoying to control.

5. You may have to shorten it, as hollowing it out coupled with the height can make it prone to breaking.


lol, this one had already been murdered... My first dog Blackie chewed off the connector cord when I was 9... I kept it around in hopes of fixing it, but I just recently scrapped it... I do think that there were a few third-party N64 controllers with the analog cap in black...good luck finding em though, seems the only things you can find used is (ironically) the good quality ones and i've yet to see one in black...
Yeah, I wanted to do this but didn't want to kill on of my N64 pads. I was waiting for someone to do it to see if it worked, but I guess going and buying one used isn't too bad. Good work.

cool mod man, i havea controller with a black cap, and more than 4 so i'll probably just use one of those if i decide to do this
WAY too high. You have increased the dead zone alot doing that. It would be better if you cut it down as far as you can.
That wasn't a Nintendo-made pad, was it? Because I remember my 1st-party sticks being more or less convex on the top and also quite painful to use, much like the original GP2X cap.
i have done this mod too, but got mine sitting quite a bit lower. i had to put rubber on the top because it was scraping the skin off my thumb after a bit. works good.
Yeah it was a Performance SuperPad I believe.
@DaveC: I've also cut it down to roughly the height of the original cap.
DUDE! i did the exact same mod about 3 or 4 months ago or somethign, right after i got my 2x, its from a superpad
Yeah, the Superpad Line was the best ever... Especially those ones with Turbo. I have fond memories of being able to outgun my friends in Goldeneye thanks to that button. And then slow button was some childish fun in smash brothers.
Yeah, I did this mod 3 months ago when I still had my GP2X.

It is a superpad, I got mine for a couple bucks at the second-hand store.

I cut it all the way down until it just touched the face when you did a direction, then I used a bench-mounted belt-sander to take off the underside until it wasn't a problem.

* cut the stick down a bit, use a hacksaw or belt grinder, or a sharp (preferably serrated) knife

* use a drill bit to enlarge the hole, anything else isn't going to do a good job (except maybe getting it soft in a flame and then pressing it on the GP2X)

* be sure to file or sand down the edge underneath the stick for more clearance.

I may have posted this before in a stick replacement forum with a link to pictures at Lik-Sang, you could do a search if so inclined ;)
nickspoon posted on Apr 16 2006 at 05:44 AM said:
Nice mod, you controller murderer.

*wonders if he can find one in black*
You can make any piece of plastic black with vinyl dye. It comes in a spray can and can be found at most auto parts stores. it's amazing - it actually soaks into the plastic to color it and it won't come off.

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