Don't be evil!
sure, but you minimize the risk, and if something realy fails, theese to have VERY great support.
Dzz posted on Apr 13 2006 at 07:10 PM said:I just hooked my gp2x up to an ammeter to see how much current it draws.
Booting: 500 mA
Sitting idle in the menu: 350 mA
Playing a game: 500 - 600 mA depending mostly on the sound
Running the Yeti3d demo: 550 mA
Watching a video: 700 - 800 mA
JaqMs posted on Apr 14 2006 at 12:33 PM said:Sigh. I was just about ready to buy a GP2X after I heard the joystick would be fixed. Now more battery problems? It's too hard to buy a GP2X![]()
since comparable ARM9 based processors in PocketPCs manage the same decoding tasks purely in software just fine)
thats not gonna help me now....Vimacs posted on Apr 14 2006 at 09:34 PM said:just buy from or, they test evy single gp2x before sending them out.
thanks, I think I'll do that.White Demon posted on Apr 15 2006 at 11:02 AM said:A mate of mine had a similar problem with his GP2X from Lik-Sang. He sent it back, and they told him that they had it working fine for over two days, but they sent him a new one anyway (which he has no problems with). So you should send it back if you believe it really is a problem (which from the sound of it, it is). Just make sure to tell them in detail what is happening, what you're doing etc.
And to send back to Lik-Sang, you have to get an RTA from them, so you will have to email them first.
I said that way back on Page 2. God, read the thread already.AireTamStorm posted on Apr 14 2006 at 09:32 PM said:Best way I've found to discharge batteries is to put the things in a GBA and leave it on overnight. Connecting them to things like lights or other run-until-it-dies devices also help.
AireTamStorm posted on Apr 14 2006 at 09:32 PM said:hehehe, NO. first off, PocketPCs don't use ARM9s (except lower end ones), they're packin Xscale CPUs. Some of which have MPEG decoder functions on them. My iPAQ hx2795 is able to play any video I want. AT 624 MHz. My previous unit @ 400 MHz: WMV encoded at under 320KBps video and 192 KBps audio. The unit before that @ 200 MHz: Not a chance for playing DivX, and anything I could play resembled RealVideo for dialup. (3600's outperform many modern budget Pocket PCs ) and that was running StrongARM.
Now, I don't transcode my avi's before putting them on the GP2X. Its running at 200 MHz, and plays my video within satisfaction. Thats beating my old 400MHz Pocket PC, which had twice the RAM.
Now, who is to thank? That chip.
@AireTamStorm: are you sure that after 9 hours when you unit is still running it is not frozen, im sure that I can leave it displaying the main screen for 10 hours but mine just freezes after some time, but the screen looks normal. And when I try to reboot it, it will hang at boot.
What does your unit display when its batteries are empty, does it just freezes like mine?
AireTamStorm posted on Apr 15 2006 at 05:33 PM said:I've heard all the crap about XScale in terms of poor performance (thus the 3600 outperforming many modern low ends comment), but they still have the MPEG decoding functions on them. And what uses these functions depends on the software thats utilizing it. For instance, if you use Windows Media, I've noticed that video playback is very poor for what little formats it supports, but with things like TCPMP deskop-aimed video plays very well. Try looking in the options panels on that little piece of software, its ALL ABOUT Intel Xscale "optimization" etc etc etc... The fact is no handheld I know of can play desktop video at 200 MHz on an ARM architecture. My 3600 (StrongARM) cannot, and it outbenchmarks some of the top-of-the-line Pocket PCs of today in alphabetical sorts, Floating point math, etc. So you tell me why my XScale Pocket PC can play all the video my 3600 cannot, yet can't list me a directory as fast as my 3600 does.
Intel said:Intel® PXA27x Processor Family Video Decoder Display Performance Optimization Application Note
The Intel® PXA27x Processor Family is equipped with system level features which enable advanced video and multi-media applications. These features include:
* Intel XScale® microarchitecture enhanced with Intel® Wireless MMX™ technology
* Capability of the LCD controller to display the YUV 4:2:0 format, eliminating software conversion from YUV to RGB
* On-chip SRAM large enough to be used for a frame buffer
So you tell me why my XScale Pocket PC can play all the video my 3600 cannot, yet can't list me a directory as fast as my 3600 does.
Epicenter posted on Apr 15 2006 at 08:41 PM said:I couldn't tell you, since your statement is circumstantial and anecdotal in nature. There are so many variables it's an unanswerable question without more info .. your player, the codecs you used, if the video was the native resolution of the PDA or if it had to be scaled, if you were in portrait or landscape mode and rotation had to be applied, video bitrate, native framerate, optimizations (as we discussed), clockrate you operated the machine at while playing the video are just SOME of them. It's much too loaded a question to just answer succintly-- and your test case, for this reason, cannot be so easily equated to the GP2x's software decoding capabilities in such a manner as "It's not an XScale, it can't do software decoding".
Don't quote me as I do not use the MMX/SSE instruction sets personally, but I do not believe they embody any sort of predefined MPEG decoding functionality. They are only instructions that, when used in assembly bits added to a program, are of better use for multimedia functionality e.g. video decoding than standard math operations would be. How much of a benefit these truly provide, I do not have benchmarks to quantify for the XScale. However, using an XScale processor performance equivalent of the ARM920T @ 200 MHz in the GP2x, I've seen satisfactory performance in players that I do NOT believe have this functionality. For example, VideoLAN (VLC). An overclock might be required to achieve full framerate on some particularly high-bitrate videos, but if the video is 320x240 and does not need to be SCALED, it should decode rather well in software alone with no helper units on the GP2x's ARM920T-- with a fast and well-optimized player! That is my predominant point and I am sticking to that.
Bear in mind, a lot of the battery issues people experience may be caused by the scaler-- it seems to be a MAJOR power hog. Note the huge battery drain using TV Out, which does appear to need to perform some scaling to generate a TV-compatible signal.
AireTamStorm posted on Apr 15 2006 at 08:43 PM said:A while back Intel implemented something called "Wireless MMX" into XScale chips.
AireTamStorm posted on Apr 15 2006 at 08:43 PM said:I think TV out starts at 320x240 and scales it up to the maximum resolution. Thats what it LOOKED like at least, on my TV. I know there's a chip that handles/aids scaling, so I'm not sure that adds too much overhead.
ugh I know >_<Crazy Goat posted on Apr 15 2006 at 11:58 PM said:Beat you to it.![]()
You're probably right. They said 720x480 in the specs, but thats a weird res, I don't believe that too much. Most NTSC TVs display at one of these 3 resolutions: 640x480; 800x600; 1024x768. If they had that weird res some TVs might not support it (I don't thoroughly know the specs for TVs, this is just from experience). So it would make sense if these higher res modes are supported. That'll also mean good things when trying to hook the GP2X up to a PC CRT with a keyboard and mouse (since 1024 is a popular res for desktops). Then we'll have a very cheap Linux ARM PC. (I'm so going to get shot up for practicality on this one though >_<)Crazy Goat posted on Apr 15 2006 at 11:58 PM said:The MagicEyes co-proc has a max resolution of 1024x768 - I am quite sure it is capable of rendering content at NTSC and PAL standards.