Yeah this system wont work with nes carts.
Let me explain this the adapter will make nes game work on it btu the problem is the cart extension thing that lets you plug in the famicon games will break cause of the weight of the nes cart.
I did make a way for it to work another way what you do is buy a nes to famicom adapter or just open up a giromite cart to get 1.
Then you make a small box for the nes cart to slip into and have that mounted onto the back of the unit.
Then you solder wires from the adapter to the cart extension thing and your done
This would look a bit ugly cause of the wires coming from the port to the cart.
I would open it up and solder directly to the circuit board and then mount the box on the back of the unit then add the wires to the adapter.
it would look the same but it would have a very thin box on the back where a nes cart would slide in.
Also you could open up your nes carts and just use the circuit boards but then that just wrecks the cart.
