New handheld released


Active Member
Apr 16, 2003
A nice little gizmo.
If you have a spare 40 euros lying around you could do a lot worse then this for adding to your handheld collection.

However, if you're more of a do-it-yourself type of person, there are schematics laying around the net for building a device like this, and those can run non-Japanese famicom games.
hhmmm, looks like a GBA Case and a Gameboy Pocket Screen hehe...
NES carts were big, but this thing runs Famicom carts and those are .. about the size of Genesis carts, I think?

a bunch of years ago they released something called the Game Axe, which was pretty much the same thing (doubt if it was backlight or could connect to a TV though) - you could buy an american coverter and have it stick out of the back to play NES games on it too, though I imagine that would start getting rather unwieldy.

This would be cool if we didn't already have PocketNES (and now littleJohn + co.) -- 10 years ago i would be all over it! I love the name.
Take a look at the big sized picture and you get your answer ;) It has a converter you put inside a smal sized slot which has the original famicom slot at the other end... just look at the picture. thats the way it will work. looks nice though. im curios bout the display quality and how long it runs on batteries :)
it runs on 3 AA batteries and as I read somewhere there is a pin converter allready avaible, so US en EUR games can be used too.....wil be even bigger though
Very interesting, how much is that in american dollars? Because handhelds are getting so great now i have to buy them all. :P
Yeah this system wont work with nes carts.

Let me explain this the adapter will make nes game work on it btu the problem is the cart extension thing that lets you plug in the famicon games will break cause of the weight of the nes cart.

I did make a way for it to work another way what you do is buy a nes to famicom adapter or just open up a giromite cart to get 1.

Then you make a small box for the nes cart to slip into and have that mounted onto the back of the unit.

Then you solder wires from the adapter to the cart extension thing and your done :)

This would look a bit ugly cause of the wires coming from the port to the cart.

I would open it up and solder directly to the circuit board and then mount the box on the back of the unit then add the wires to the adapter.

it would look the same but it would have a very thin box on the back where a nes cart would slide in.

Also you could open up your nes carts and just use the circuit boards but then that just wrecks the cart.

NiN^_^NiN posted on Sep 9 2003 at 05:35 PM said:
Yeah this system wont work with nes carts.

Let me explain this the adapter will make nes game work on it btu the problem is the cart extension thing that lets you plug in the famicon games will break cause of the weight of the nes cart.

I did make a way for it to work another way what you do is buy a nes to famicom adapter or just open up a giromite cart to get 1.

Then you make a small box for the nes cart to slip into and have that mounted onto the back of the unit.

Then you solder wires from the adapter to the cart extension thing and your done :)

This would look a bit ugly cause of the wires coming from the port to the cart.

I would open it up and solder directly to the circuit board and then mount the box on the back of the unit then add the wires to the adapter.

it would look the same but it would have a very thin box on the back where a nes cart would slide in.

Also you could open up your nes carts and just use the circuit boards but then that just wrecks the cart.

That sucks
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I have a Game Axe. It is backlit, uses 6 AA Batteries, connectes to the TV, and can play Famicom and NES games (with a converter usually included).

Game Theory Admiral can only play Famicom games (with an adapter). A NES adapter hasn't been released. Uses 2 or 3 AA Batteries. Backlit. Available in NTCS and PAL versions.
relevant crazy warning :lol:

i wish all goods were packed in boxes covered in engrish
NiN^_^NiN posted on Sep 10 2003 at 05:40 AM said:
Nah i don't have 1 of these cause i have the gp32

It sucks but it was made for famicon games you can't complain that it can't play nes 2 well.
Why would are you reviewing it even though you havent even tried it? What would you say if a GBA fanboy reviewed GP32 just from how it looks? I highly doubt that GTA has a serious flaw like that, but theres only one way to know for sure.

*Goes to get his money*

But im going to wait until there is a us game adapter first.
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