Do you still have the screen protector?

Do you still have the screen protector on your GP32's screen?

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  • No

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Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
I still have mine, I took it off halfway once when I dropped my gp32 when it was in the entware case to see if the drop created a speck of dust or a crack. When I put the screen back on, it looked bad, the lower right half looked nice, and the upper left half had air bubbles and stuff. Then I took it all off and put it back on again, and now there are tiny air bubbles and a long air bubble on the bottom. But I don't mind, as long as it protects my precious GP32's screen :D
The first thing I do when I buy something new that has that annoying piece of plastic is rip it off and throw it away. All it's good for is protecting it during transportation so the manufacturer can be sure you don't get a scratched unit when you open your box.
No, I don't. Nor do I have the protective covering that's supposed to prevent glare (if anyone knows where to buy a spray that would do this, please do say) - to Hanuka, you almost certainly have a scratch on this thinner film and not on the actual screen itself. Its still darn annoying, but you could replaced scrated-up and visible with unscratched and too reflective by half by rubbing a bit to hard (hence why I want to replace the anti-glare coating...)
You can get new screens from GBAx but you'll tatter up the grey plastic surround doing it....

Have you tried a local optician's? They coat glasses lenses in the stuff all the time...
Can I just finish this once and for all!?

The cover that comes with the unit is not designed to be a long-term screen protector - It's only use is to stop scratches in transit - Anyone who has bought a TV or monitor will know this, and they normally have writing on so you have to remove them. Heck - You normally get on covering your mobile phone, but you don't keep that on do you? Do you!?

The cover is not deisgned for optimal viewing - It's just a cheap bit of plastic that stays on until you open the box up!

"When I put the screen back on, it looked bad, the lower right half looked nice, and the upper left half had air bubbles and stuff. Then I took it all off and put it back on again, and now there are tiny air bubbles and a long air bubble on the bottom" - That's because it's not designed to be re-applied... You need to purchase a proper screen-protector for that - Try something like a Palm screen-cover - That should fit with a little modding.
Its weird... people are so worried about the odd scratch on their screen that they permanently put up with a crappy bit of plastic spoiling the view. Hmmm... seems to be false economy if you ask me. I know, lets put in a plastic box too, with little rods going inside to press the buttons. It wont get dusty then, and I can put up with the inconvenience...


Dont think so! Mine came off in about the first 5 mins, and the scratches on my screen are negligable. If you;re one of those people who gets bothered by a scratch just cos you know its there (you may not even be able to see it with the usit on!), then LIGHTEN UP. It's only a bloody games console, not the holy grail :)

Enjoy the games instead of spending your time giving yourself heart problems in later life by stressing about the screen :P

My 2p

Heck! If you're going to be that damn careful, why not just keep it in the postal bag it came in!?

The GP32 was designed to be taken outside! It wants to see the light of day!
As a long time advocate of leaving the 'plastic film thingy' on any device with an lcd i have.. to me, it's kinda kewl in 6 / 12 / 24 months time when you finally loose it and tear the film off and it looks all new again.

There is also this bizarre mind over matter thing trying to fight the will to remove it for so long....

that said...

i was overwhelmed on the bus by it and pealed back the plastic film on the gp32 screen... AND WOW THE SCREEN IS SO MUCH CLEARER.

...just do it.

3 or 4 months of pretty much living in my jacket pocket too and no scratches, the glass (plastic whatever) over the lcd is pretty tough.
ok it may be pretty sad but I still have the protective plastic after alomost a year of having the gp32.
I don't have a case for it so it usaully gets chcuked in my work back so i keep the plastic on went not using but i take it off when i'm playing.

I rubbed the anti-glare coating off pretty much straight away and the screen is now much better, that anti-glare stuff made the screen look to dark.
I use glasses cleaner and a lense cloth to keep it clean, and don't have one scratch on it.

If you've still got the plastic on, and have never taken it off, for god's sake take it off and enjoy the screen as it should be seen.
I took mine of...

But I walked around with the GP32 in my pocket for some time and now my screen is scratched to hell. But I can only see it at certain angles and if there´s a lot of dark colours.
Little suggestion to all those that haven't done it already - Buy the bag!

Much like my Clie and my GBA, I'll be bu**ered if I'm going to leave them lying around picking up dirt and just screaming out for something to scratch their respective screens! No me - I buy covers which keeps them all find and dandy - Even though they won't fit in my pocket - But as I don't go to the shops with them in my pocket, it doesn't bother me.
Last year I bought some slip-covers for my car-seats. Then I coated them with plastic bags, just to make sure that they don't get dirty in a little while.
I don't even have a screen - seriously I just have bare LCD it's so cool the screen is incredibly clear you can see it in very poor light conditions and there's no reflection on it. I know it's risky but when I'm not using it I simply rest the plastic screen on top to protect it. I understand that one scratch would kill it but I'm very careful.

Try it.....I garauntee* you'll never go back!

*If you do go back I'm not giving you anything*
i took it off about five weeks later. it made my screen slightly white and hard to see. i cleaned it with a bad cloth but i dont care it's only noticable on a black screen