7800gt Or 7900gt????


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Which one should I go for.... Both around same price (£200)... 7900GT sounds better as its a higher number but what do you think?
7900GT it is... Will have £2,000 in the bank next week... might as well live a little :P :D
Everything in the PC world is overpriced, it's the price you may for leading edge technology :)

Saying that, I've spent over £300 on a CPU :o
the 7900GT should last for a good 2 - 4 years shouldnt it???

Hell, Im still using a AGP Geforce 4200 ti 128mb and thats still pumping out 25fps on HL2 with medium settings and that card will be about 4 years old wont it?..
At the rate games are currently going, I'd say 2 years maximum, otherwise what your playing is nothing like the game it was intended to be, grqaphics wise.

Eg. My previous graphics card was an old AGP affair upto the standard of a Radeon 9800, it played games like FEAR/etc "ok", but the difference a 7800GTX makes to the game is unreal. It's almost seems like a different game!
was reading Toms Hardware Site and it said the Latests Cards will last a Long time, its just the CPU and Ram that you will need to upgrade more often now.
My GF 6800 GT just bit the dust (it now overheats when you play 3D games) so I'm taking the opportunity to upgrade my PC to the PCI-Express and 64-bit revolution, overpriced cards be damned.

Thanks for the link. The 7900 GT is one of the best price/power ratios around, and I think the 7800 GTX is very similar but slightly worse. I'm also grabbing a 3700+ Athlon 64 and 2 GB RAM, which should be more than enough for Oblivion and RE4 :)
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Steve-O posted on Mar 24 2006 at 08:31 AM said:
trooper posted on Mar 23 2006 at 11:42 PM said:
Steve-O posted on Mar 24 2006 at 12:05 AM said:
Ok at Ordered the XFX 7900GT 256MB... £199 Delivered :) -


And the spec`s for the rest of the system is... ?. :)


I dont like spending alot of money so -

MSI Motherboard
AMD 3200+ 64Bit
1Gig of OCZ or Corsair Ram

"AMD 3200+ 64Bit" Is that Athlon or Sempron ?.

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