Game Enhancers(game Genie) Support For Emu's?

second exodous

Advanced Member
Sep 27, 2005
Utah, USA
I was wondering if anyone thought that Game Enhancers, or cheaters, were a priority. I know that every emu is in the early stages, but was wondering if anyone will put enhancers into the emu's.

I've been playing around with fceultra on my Linux box, no GUI just command line, but it does game genie pretty well by just loading the the gg.rom first. I was wondering if this would be an easy way for programmers to put the capability in.

Save states kinda get rid of the need for enhancers though, and in a way are a ton more useful. In Super Star Wars save states don't do as much as infinite lives though.


EDIT: I couldn't find a thread that was just about enhancers to read everyones opinion on, so I started a new one if it already exists.
Hmm, unless I'm mistaken you can force the gamegenie menu to pop up at startup by creating a romfile with the normal rom appended to the game genie rom.
Mudi posted on Mar 16 2006 at 01:05 AM said:
Hmm, unless I'm mistaken you can force the gamegenie menu to pop up at startup by creating a romfile with the normal rom appended to the game genie rom.

I'd like to know how to do that ....
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There's little satisfaction in it like savestates.

I finally finished Salamander just because I could carry it with me on GP2x and use savestates now I doubt I'll play it again (much...) The challenge is gone, the unknown is known.
This can be done with Fceultra but not DrMD or Squidsnes. Enhancers have to be added by the programmer, or in Squidsnes by someone with the know-how. What my question was is do people want them in the first place? I've noticed with save states I'm looking up codes a lot less however, but sometimes it's fun to have them, not really needed to pass the game.

vic20-ian posted on Mar 16 2006 at 10:53 PM said:
There's little satisfaction in it like savestates.

I finally finished Salamander just because I could carry it with me on GP2x and use savestates now I doubt I'll play it again (much...) The challenge is gone, the unknown is known.
If you use savestates as an extended pause function (eg. not reverting whenever you die <_< ), it's the same satisfation of finishing the game properly, it just takes longer.

EDIT: I genrally used cheats when I was younger, not because I was bad at playing the game (well I was but, that's not why I used them), but because it was really cool to have special weapons, infinite ammo etc.
In fact I don't usally finish the game like that, I just use it for the odd killing spree :P
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Mudi posted on Mar 16 2006 at 01:05 AM said:
Hmm, unless I'm mistaken you can force the gamegenie menu to pop up at startup by creating a romfile with the normal rom appended to the game genie rom.

You might make the menu appear this way, but it won't operate. In a real console environment, a Game Genie or GameShark etc. operates by sitting between the game ROM (cartridge) and the system itself. When the system requests an address for a bit of data in ROM from the game that is UNCHANGED it passes it along. When you enter a code that edits a byte or two of that ROM, and the changed addresses are requested, the Game Genie reports back the CHANGED values to the system and IGNORES the originals in accordance with the code(s) you entered. So, just tacking the game on the end of the Game Genie binary won't get you anywhere.

However, since all the Game Genie does is hardware-level ROM patching, you can use a decoder program to convert the code to the addresses (in hexadecimal format) that are changed, and the data it's changed to. Then open your ROM (as a binary, not a dumper format, e.g. BIN instead of SMD for MegaDrive/Genesis ROMs) in a hex editor, find the relevant address, alter the data to the specified value and save the new hacked ROM and run it on your '2x in your emulator, and you will see the same effect as entering the code. Repeat for as many codes as you like, there's no limit to how many you can get going at once unlike the real deal ...
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