Gp2x - First Impressions

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Ok, just received a brand new GP2X a few days ago from What are my first impressions of this unit? Well to be honest, it is the biggest piece of crap I have ever come across.

I already own a GP32 - a handheld device which I love. This really is a great machine for emulating all the old 8 bit consoles. I also have a PSP which I also use to run emulators. The PSP is obviously the better machine.... really good build quality, truely excellent screen, and a lovely fast 333MHz CPU with dedicated GPU which is finally becoming of great use for emulation of 16 bit consoles.

Now back to the GP2X. It is worse than the GP32. It doesn't feel that good to hold, not like the GP32 which is very comfortable. The control stick is a true STINKER. Yes, I know you can replace it but why should we? The general build quality is pretty poor too. And that LCD screen is one of the worst I've ever seen. It's hardly better than that of the GP32. Really, this GP2x nonsense is NO step ahead of the GP32. It might have marginally faster CPU, but the rest stinks. And because the GP32 has been around for some time, it already has very decent speeds on all the 8 bit console emulators. This GP2X will probably catch up with the GP32, but who cares? It's not gonna be able to do much more than the GP32 at the end of the day.

Why or why did they not take the chance to provide something with a much faster CPU? Why have they not improved the build quality? It really just does not have a place, at least for anyone who owns the GP32 or indeed, the PSP with homebrew-friendly firmware. The GP2X COULD and SHOULD have been a machine with a nice screen and a dedicated GPU for 3D stuff. But they go and blow it on what we have now. When I pick up and play the GP2X, it does indeed look like it was designed and engineered by a very inexperienced company who at the end of the day have produced a machine of probably sub-GP32 quality. Bad luck. Off goes the GP2X for sale.
Thank you for sharing.

You do realise that we have a sticky for this type of post?

I hope this thread is locked quickly to spare you the flames.
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purplesky posted on Mar 15 2006 at 09:33 AM said:
This GP2X will probably catch up with the GP32, but who cares? It's not gonna be able to do much more than the GP32 at the end of the day.

Oooh, like 15fps PSX emulation and nearly full-speed SNES emulation? Research,man, research! Practically all of the emulators released for the GP32 have an equivalent on the GP2X.
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You are entitled to your own opinion of course...

EDIT: Seems the flaming has started... lol.
I'm not going to put forth any thoughts as it seems you have already made up your mind, and my opinion would probably be wasted on you.

EDIT: Gah f3ck1n typos
Mudi posted on Mar 15 2006 at 04:39 PM said:
Oooh, like 15fps PSX emulation and nearly full-speed SNES emulation? Research,man, research! Practically all of the emulators released for the GP32 have an equivalent on the GP2X.

Yeah but the GP2X will never be able to play PSX games at a reasonable speed, it just won't happen. For that to happen, they would have needed at least a 300MHz CPU with a dedicated graphics chip (which is what it should have had in the first place). The best bet is the PSP will do PSX nicely in the coming months. I still stand by my original comments, the GP2X doesn't really have anything much to offer over the GP32, and that dual-core chip is just a waste.
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Well i don't think there is any need to flame. My original post is my opinion. People of course are entitled to their thoughts, but for me, the GP2X just does not cut it. Not given the fact I already have a GP32 for all the 8 bit stuff, and the PSP which is a much better machine than them all put together, technically.
It's clearly obvious here that he wants to stick with his PSP. Especially when he mentions that GPH messed up when not including a dedicated 3D GPU. And yes, please do more research before you spew out your uneducated opinions. The genesis is full speed, SNES is close to full speed, NES is just as close, PSX is possible, neo geo is possible, pda apps .. possible, dos box.. possible, interpreters such as scummvm, etc... ALL POSSIBLE. On top of the video and audio PMP capabilites too. All for 180 bucks? What is wrong with this device.. survey says? Nothing, it rocks.. go away! :P
Wolfspirit posted on Mar 15 2006 at 04:49 PM said:
It's clearly obvious here that he wants to stick with his PSP. Especially when he mentions that GPH messed up when not including a dedicated 3D GPU. And yes, please do more research before you spew out your uneducated opinions. The genesis is full speed, SNES is close to full speed, NES is just as close, PSX is possible, neo geo is possible, pda apps .. possible, dos box.. possible, interpreters such as scummvm, etc... ALL POSSIBLE. On top of the video and audio PMP capabilites too. All for 180 bucks? What is wrong with this device.. survey says? Nothing, it rocks.. go away! :P

Yes, ALL POSSIBLE. But all possible with GP32 as well. And no they are not uneducated opinions. The GP2X will NEVER be able to play PSX at any decent speed. It just aint gonna happen with that little CPU and no GPU. Sorry, but it won't. If anyone seriously does think it will happen, they probably need to get some help.
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Requesting lock...
Nothing useful can really come from this thread.
It's merely the same main opnions that will be reiterated over:
a) Those that like the GP2X and can see it's potential.
b) Those that like a commercial games console, which will be constantly hindered by firmware patches.
And I suppose it's OK if you like playing snes emu with frameskip - hey you might as well throw in a little frameskip just for fun, it COMPLIMENTS that awful flickering LCD. Ever played snes emu on a PSP?
Honestly I didn't want the gp2x for PSX anyways if that is true. What I would really love however, is a decent GBA emu. :D
Ok, you like your PSP more than your GP2X. To each his own. Hopefully, Sony will not succeed in their effort to kill PSP homebrew/emulators and you'll be able to enjoy that aspect of your PSP in the future.

If you come onto a forum dedicated to 'X' and say "'X' SUCKS!" you'll get a bad reaction, no matter what 'X' might be; some people like to do that because they get a kick out of it; those people are called 'trolls'. I'm sure your motives were purely to make a helpful contribution to the GP2X community though, so thanks. Have a nice life, hope you get a good price for your GP2X.
Wolfspirit posted on Mar 15 2006 at 05:49 PM said:
It's clearly obvious here that he wants to stick with his PSP. Especially when he mentions that GPH messed up when not including a dedicated 3D GPU. And yes, please do more research before you spew out your uneducated opinions. The genesis is full speed, SNES is close to full speed, NES is just as close, PSX is possible, neo geo is possible, pda apps .. possible, dos box.. possible, interpreters such as scummvm, etc... ALL POSSIBLE. On top of the video and audio PMP capabilites too. All for 180 bucks? What is wrong with this device.. survey says? Nothing, it rocks.. go away! :P
It surely depends on your expectations when buying the unit. It's clear as day that the gp2x isn't an ideal 3D gaming platform. You must have known that before purchase. It's not rubbish by any means, but the PSP is much better at that sort of thing. I feel my GP2X is a step up from my GP32 because it has more RAM, runs faster, uses SD, and I prefer the look of it. I did actually get used to the stick, although I replaced it this morning with DaveC's alternative.

The hardware's a bit disappointing to me, but at least the console came at quite a low price. We'll be able to squeeze a lot more out of it than the GP32 by virtue of the extra memory and somewhat faster CPU, if nothing else. Media playback is a nice feature too.

I'm a bit bemused that a couple of the things you complain about (CPU speed, lack of 3D GPU) were obviously things you knew about before buying the thing, but you carried on anyway, and are now complaining about them. If the PSP is so much better, may I ask why you even wanted to get a GP2X?
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PokeParadox posted on Mar 15 2006 at 04:54 PM said:
Requesting lock...
Nothing useful can really come from this thread.
It's merely the same main opnions that will be reiterated over:
a) Those that like the GP2X and can see it's potential.
B) Those that like a commercial games console, which will be constantly hindered by firmware patches.

The PSP doesn't have to be for commerical games. I use my PSP exclusively for emulators. I will never need to upgrade the firmware either as I don't play commerical games, therefore I don't have that problem. Quite a few people have bought their PSP JUST to play games through emulators. Personally I'm not interested in PSP commercial games, so my PSP with it's 1.5 firmware makes a GREAT homebrew machine. And no, i don't like Sony as much as the next guy.
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Hee Hee made by me
Dzz posted on Mar 15 2006 at 11:57 AM said:
Ok, you like your PSP more than your GP2X. To each his own. Hopefully, Sony will not succeed in their effort to kill PSP homebrew/emulators and you'll be able to enjoy that aspect of your PSP in the future.

If you come onto a forum dedicated to 'X' and say "'X' SUCKS!" you'll get a bad reaction, no matter what 'X' might be; some people like to do that because they get a kick out of it; those people are called 'trolls'. I'm sure your motives were purely to make a helpful contribution to the GP2X community though, so thanks. Have a nice life, hope you get a good price for your GP2X.

Well said. Hope you get a good amount for it. Anyone looking for a gp2x then contact purplesky.
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ok you like the bluryness of the psp screen thats cool, yes psp homebrew is good but snes emu is just as poor as the gp2x also i find the 2x is more comfortable and better quality than the psp you must just be very unluck as my 2xs screen is picture perfict (spelling?),
like PokeParadox said everyone is entitled to there own oppinion
purplesky posted on Mar 15 2006 at 04:33 PM said:
Ok, just received a brand new GP2X a few days ago from What are my first impressions of this unit? Well to be honest, it is the biggest piece of crap I have ever come across.


Off goes the GP2X for sale.
You're absolutely right, now fuck off to the PSP forums and let us get on with enjoying our scene
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critical posted on Mar 15 2006 at 04:59 PM said:
I'm a bit bemused that a couple of the things you complain about (CPU speed, lack of 3D GPU) were obviously things you knew about before buying the thing, but you carried on anyway, and are now complaining about them. If the PSP is so much better, may I ask why you even wanted to get a GP2X?

I bought it because I thought it would be an improvement over the GP32. Personally, for me, it isn't. I love my GP32 for 8 bit stuff.... if the GP2X had a significantly better screen than the GP32 (which it doesn't), and a better joypad (which again it doesn't), I would have probably liked it. Now yes I can see what you are saying about the 3d GPU - I knew the machine did not have one from the start, but what I am saying is that it should have. To me, I can't see anything greatly different over the GP32. The PSP on the other hand is in a totally seperate league.
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