do you have your roms in the right directory. You need to have them in the gp:/snes directory and not the gpmm folder. If you do have your roms in the right folder then your gp32 might not be able to handle speeds higher than 133mhz.
You can download that from or switch the I dont know but I have tried the 166mhz version and if that is how fast it goes damn that emu sucks, Snesemu was beta and wasn't updated at all and its still as fast(well pretty close IMO).
Is it safe to overclock the GP32? If you modified the system and maybe put in a different heatsink (I haven't looked inside it, so I'm not sure if it's even possible) wouldn't that make it run cooler?
Is it safe to overclock the GP32? If you modified the system and maybe put in a different heatsink (I haven't looked inside it, so I'm not sure if it's even possible) wouldn't that make it run cooler?