Auto-bricking Redux


Oct 23, 2005
After nearly three months of waiting to get a replacement, I got my new GP2x in yesterday. Within twenty four hours, it has bricked itself *again* by flashing trash onto the firmware.

Just posting this as a caution to anyone else who has had this happen - my guess is it's something to do with the SD card, if it happens to you once with a card, don't use that card in it again.

Assuming I can get it replaced, I'll either try buying a new SD card or just putting the machine on ebay (since I think at this point I'd be scared to turn the unit on ever again).

@Paradox: 1.4 . I had flashed to 1.4 immediately after recieving the machine, and played with it a few times for about an hour before it died.

@Goity: The card was formatted FAT32.

WTF. You are seriously unlucky. Mine hasn't done that. Maybe you should try art103s uboot next time, go ask in irc.
I did post it in the "I need help" section.
I'm pretty sure it only does that when the filesystem on the SD-Card is corrupted.

I got an auto-bricked gp2x with still the SD-Card in it to reflash, and when I placed the card in my PC card reader, I couldn't access some directories and a chkdsk found tons of lost clusters.

If you didn't reformat your SD-Card or chkdsk'ed it, I'm pretty sure that's why it fucked up again.
EvilDragon posted on Mar 14 2006 at 05:04 PM said:
I did post it in the "I need help" section.
I'm pretty sure it only does that when the filesystem on the SD-Card is corrupted.

I got an auto-bricked gp2x with still the SD-Card in it to reflash, and when I placed the card in my PC card reader, I couldn't access some directories and a chkdsk found tons of lost clusters.

If you didn't reformat your SD-Card or chkdsk'ed it, I'm pretty sure that's why it fucked up again.

I did both, actually, just before I flashed to 1.4, though I did notice some difficulties accessing some files (which is why I ran a subsequent scandisk).

However, after flashing the 1.4 firmware, I did a second full format of the card, without running scandisk afterwards. When I get a chance tonight I'll do some more tests on the card and see if I can positively confirm the problems.

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