
Yeah, snowing quite a bit here too, was quite fun. I was at a complete farmershole (is this an expression? Flemish slang we use is "Boeregat", which translates in the above) this morning, gave some nice effects. :)
over in new york, long island got a random sheathing of ice in the morning. Just the annoying kind that prevents you from going anywhere (but the buses still run for skool :()
The snow fall in London is absolutelty pathetic, haven't seen proper snow in over 5 years..Thank fuck it nbever gets cold enough to snow anymore big yay for global warming and pollution! :D
Hah. Snow is for losers.

We had repeated GREAT BIG BLIZZARDS, OH YEAH where I live.

Unfortunately, they didn't last too long, and the snow is simply refusing to settle.

*sigh* Maybe tomorrow.
Where i live it's always cold.

I live in the freezer. It's cold. Very cold.

Cold, cold, cold. Lots of peas, though.