Shadow Warrior


Sep 17, 2005
This game was made by 3D realms in about 97 I think, source code for version 1.2 is available (

I was hoping to get it working through DOSBOX but I couldn't even get 'block out' to work. I have tried to let Bjimba know the problems but can't find any way of getting in touch with him.

If anyone has managed to get DOSBOX working could they try 'Shadow Warriors' (, I have a feeling that as it was made after 95 it might not work

DOS programs that run in protected mode, which include most games released after 1995, may not perform as well as in other emulators

Even if it does work it would be slow but my main reason for this is of course to show off the GP2X to my mate that has many happy memories of this game.

I used the search function and came across this thread
which started off well and turned into a discussion of programing tutorials, which was good too. but not conclusive either way.
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The quick answer for a port: No.

The quick answer for the feasibility of running it under Dosbox: No.

There have been at least five or six threads about this, and I think in one I retold my experiences with the Build engine source code. How they worked a series of games out of that, I'll never know.
Because someone would have to take the source and make it SDL. This would be a supreme pain.

Not impossible, but I for one don't really want to do it.
Umm... Why would it need to be ported to SDL? As far as I know homebrew worked fine before SDL was ported to the GP2X...

(offtopic: posting this on my 120Mhz Pentium laptop with 32MB RAM, a wireless card, and Debian Sarge. :) )
No, SDL has always existed for the GP2X. It's just gotten better recently.

The original Shadow Warrior code uses VGA-specific code to do its magic. GP2X is not VGA compatible.
woogal posted on Feb 25 2006 at 10:13 AM said:
Mudi posted on Feb 25 2006 at 06:42 AM said:
Because someone would have to take the source and make it SDL.  This would be a supreme pain.

Not impossible, but I for one don't really want to do it.
Already been done about a year ago.

It looks like that port needs OpenGL (from what I could see of JFBuild). I feel sorry for anyone who has to work with that codebase. :)
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I believe JonoF's doesn't use SDL, just straight OpenGL. the Duke3D port isn't based on JonoF's, so I bet it doesn't support SDL.
Mudi posted on Feb 26 2006 at 03:15 AM said:
I believe JonoF's doesn't use SDL, just straight OpenGL. the Duke3D port isn't based on JonoF's, so I bet it doesn't support SDL.
The Duke3D port isn't based on JFDuke because I first ported it to the gp32 and I thought that the extentions to the build engine that have been added to JF's port might be too much for the gp32. When I ported to the gp2x it was easy to do a quick port from the code I already had a good understanding of rather than to try and port JFDuke (which is also SDL). And although JFDuke and JFSW both support OpenGL now, they still contain a software renderer (The Zodiac port of Duke is based on JFDuke I believe). JFSW is more than possible to port to the gp2x, it's just that I can't be bothered doing it. Maybe I'll look into it in a few months if someone else doesn't port it first, but at the moment I've got far too much on and more interesting things to play with.
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That's great news Woogal, it's good to know it can be done after all. Good luck with the more interesting, stuff especialy if it is for the GP2X as well.