This Puts A Whole New Meaning To Gph

Mine is number 6.
It isn't exactly a shooter, but it's fun (well, i hope it is :unsure: )
It has pretty simple gameplay but is very complete. It has two fully functional modes, and, while the gameplay in each has the same basic core, they are both very fun and worth playing.

about the actual topic :P
Craig seems to enjoy hitler jokes (remember who was the strongest supporter of the hitler gp32x mascot?), and I'm sure he planted that picture there knowing that we would find it. If it wasn't intentional, i'm sure he would have moved it after people discovered it. Well, either that or there is an entry about hitler...... but then why is he hiding it?
deadlychicken22 posted on Feb 24 2006 at 06:25 PM said:
Craig seems to enjoy hitler jokes (remember who was the strongest supporter of the hitler gp32x mascot?), and I'm sure he planted that picture there knowing that we would find it. If it wasn't intentional, i'm sure he would have moved it after people discovered it.
yeah, i think its a joke, i mean, come on, an open dir, thats like too silly ;)
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I've told you lot time and time again... it's my entry, the Ultimate Nazi Dictator Simulator.

This is a Public Service announcement, the above sentence is very very silly and should be ignored by all who are sane.
adolf hitler



a is number 1 in the alphabet and h is number 8
18 and 88 'heil hitler' are well known numbers here in germany that some neo nazis use on their cars...

so 18.png ... coincidence? i think not
Well, I still like mine!!! (#5)

And I am seriously looking forward to a new version of GNUBOY!!!

Vollgasasi posted on Feb 24 2006 at 10:26 PM said:
adolf hitler



a is number 1 in the alphabet and h is number 8
18 and 88 'heil hitler' are well known numbers here in germany that some neo nazis use on their cars...

so 18.png ... coincidence? i think not

Aha, Vollgasasi, you seem to know what you`re talking about :P
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aapje89 posted on Feb 24 2006 at 02:40 PM said:
TelcoLou posted on Feb 24 2006 at 08:37 PM said:
Hitler had a shit fetish. Seriously.
Discovery channel?
No I don't think Hitler watched the Discovery channel while getting his crazy unitesticle Cleveland Steamer on. :lol:
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