Rage2x Beta3


Feb 23, 2004
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This is my first gp2x program and i hope to improve it a lot :)
RAGE2X is a dedicated frontend for GNGEO2X. Why anonther frontend ? ... because it's my choice :lol:

A little old screenshot:

You can download and test it
RAGE2X beta3

Here a past of INFO.TXT
RAGE2X frontend by JYCET

beta3 (private)
-import external database of game information (NAME_OF_GAME file)
-see preview (152*112*8bits)
-quick scan of available roms in ./gngeo/roms/ (keep the mame zip name)
-options fps, sound, samplerate selectable

-extract all in your gngeo2x folder
-joystick for any move
-A for any action
-START to quit RAGE2X

-save options
-option to see all or only available game
-option to choose your roms folder location
-more game information in database file (EDITOR,YEAR,TYPE,SIZE,STATUS)
-CPU speed selector
-add more preview

Thank to everybody on #gp2xdev for their help :)

French speaker are welcome here:
RAGE2X topic français
yeah, very cool :)
the missing frontend was the reason why i still haven't tested this emulator!

thank you.
Pure brilliance! It sure is an amazing looking frontend. Good job Jycet!
Hi JyCet,

I missed your post here and got quite worked up when I found your download on GP32Spain.com.

I've already posted some comments on the Gngeo2x 0.6.9 *update*, NeoGeo MVS topic in the news section.

I've copied and posted them below.

NeoStuey posted on Feb 20 2006 at 12:57 AM said:
To overclock when using RAGE2X.

Remove .gpe extension from rage2x.gpe so it just reads rage. This hides it from selection in the game screen.

Next make the one of the following scripts to use the CPU & LCD Tuner. Use programmers notepad to do this and save the file as rage2x.gpe, make sure to save it as unix format.



/mnt/sd/cpu_speed.gpe 0 2 266

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

The first number entered after cpu_speed is to choose modes either 0 for FPLL LCD mode or you can use 1 UPLL LCD mode.

The second is the prescaler timings set between -20 and 36 for FPLL mode and -5 and 10 for UPLL mode.

Then lastly is the cpu speed you want to run at.

This example script assumes that you have CPU & LCD Tuner in the root of your SD card and that you have not change the file extension to .gpu.

If you have use this example.


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed.gpu 0 2 266

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

If you have done what I have done and remove the extenstion from the CPU & LCD Tuner so that it is hidden your script would look like this.


/mnt/sd/cpu_speed 0 2 266

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu


NeoStuey posted on Feb 20 2006 at 01:28 AM said:
An update re Rage2x, I got error messages when trying load roms, that were previously working under the file selector.

Error message was something along the lines of "unable to open rom zupapa", well I don't even have this rom.

The solution for me was to empty the save folder in gngeo and then load the rom and it seems to have done the trick. I have loaded and reloaded roms and they now load without any further problems. :)

NeoStuey posted on Feb 20 2006 at 02:05 AM said:
On a separate note, it looks like scaling has been implemented in this add-on. The TV Out now works to a point. There is over scan and the image does shimmer, but I think that is a trait in all GP2X programs using the current Hardware accelerated SDL. Beats of Rage does the same thing.

I should also open my eyes JyCet started a topic in the beta testing board on this very forum! :blink:


As the guys posting here have already said, brilliant work, thank you very much. :D
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craigix posted on Feb 19 2006 at 11:40 PM said:
Does it auto create the gfx dump? I've not got my gp2x with me, but that would be an excellent option.

Pepone told me that he is adding it to the next version of GnGeo2X providing the testing shows it works reliably and it doesn't break anything. :D
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I'm using the script posted in here to launch Rage2X at 250 MHz. When I exit a game, though (R button+Stick press) the emulator crashes. Is this because of the script or the frontend?
craigix posted on Feb 20 2006 at 12:40 AM said:
Does it auto create the gfx dump? I've not got my gp2x with me, but that would be an excellent option.
Auto dump creation will be in the next version of gngeo ;)
Edit: NeoStuey is too fast :D
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IntenseWage posted on Feb 20 2006 at 05:59 AM said:
I'm using the script posted in here to launch Rage2X at 250 MHz. When I exit a game, though (R button+Stick press) the emulator crashes. Is this because of the script or the frontend?

The script works fine for me,

My gngeo folder contains the following:

save - make sure to delete contents to avoid compatibilty issues. See my earlier post

rage2x.gpe - the overclock script I made to run rage2x
rage2x - the rage2x frontend with it's file extension removed to hide it from selection.

As you can see I removed the files related to the selector that come with GnGeo2X 0.6.9.

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If you have a flickering GP2X menu on exiting GnGeo2X using the overclocking script it has something to do with using FPLL mode. If you use UPLL mode and exit the GP2X main menu you return to is free of flicker. :D

So make sure your use "1" to enable UPLL mode.



/mnt/sd/cpu_speed.gpe 1 2 266

cd /usr/gp2x/
exec /usr/gp2x/gp2xmenu

If you want to check what the options you can set are look at my earlier post.
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Ok what's up today ?

-fix little bug to display the first preview at rage2x launch
-big optimisation of font display
-add option to choose a GUI speed (LEFT || RIGHT)
-change key to swap windows to SELECT
-change gfx mode to 16bits for a better preview diplay (thk to paeryn for his SDL lib)
-fix LIST.DAT by antidark (thk to him)
-add all preview by antidark (thk to him too :)) (around of 3.6MB ;))

a new picture ?

I hope more for beta4 :D
JyCet posted on Feb 20 2006 at 08:32 PM said:
Ok what's up today ?

-fix little bug to display the first preview at rage2x launch
-big optimisation of font display
-add option to choose a GUI speed (LEFT || RIGHT)
-change key to swap windows to SELECT
-change gfx mode to 16bits for a better preview diplay (thk to paeryn for his SDL lib)
-fix LIST.DAT by antidark (thk to him)
-add all preview by antidark (thk to him too :)) (around of 3.6MB ;))

I hope more for beta4  :D

Sorry JyCet, I have some questions.

Will I be able to save the overclock speed so it is used when I restart the application?

GUI speed, means for quicker navigation in the menu, right?

When will the next version be available for trial? I really like this add-on. :D

As antidark has made these preview files available to download already will you be making two downloads available? i.e. on basic rage2x.zip and one full rage2x.zip with all the previews that antidark made. 3.6MB is big for me, I'm on dial-up. ;)

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no pb NeoStuey,
Yes my next step is load and save all options in a file (it will include clock speed options after pepone release his emu because i need to test it before ;))
Yes GUI speed is for for quicker navigation
When ? I hope next sunday ... i work for it :P
Yes i've planed to build 2 packages (one without preview and one with all preview)
JyCet posted on Feb 20 2006 at 09:32 PM said:
no pb NeoStuey,
Yes my next step is load and save all options in a file (it will include clock speed options after pepone release his emu because i need to test it before ;))
Yes GUI speed is for for quicker navigation
When ? I hope next sunday ... i work for it :P
Yes i've planed to build 2 packages (one without preview and one with all preview)

Thanks for the quick answers.

Thanks for all your work.
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Thanks to antidark, I've found out that if you save the launch script I posted earlier in this topic as gngeo2x.gpe when you exit the game you go back to the rage2x menu instead of the GP2X menu. :)
-add external configuration file (rage2x.cfg) you can look inside ;)
-add option auto reload of GUI (thk to pepone who add this cmdline)
-add option CPU speed (work fine with the next gngeo ^_^)
-you can probably change the roms folder in rage2x.cfg ...
JyCet posted on Feb 23 2006 at 06:46 PM said:
-add external configuration file (rage2x.cfg) you can look inside ;)
-add option auto reload of GUI (thk to pepone who add this cmdline)
-add option CPU speed (work fine with the next gngeo ^_^)
-you can probably change the roms folder in rage2x.cfg ...

download link? :unsure:
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NeoStuey, not yet sorry i'm working on, but next beta (4) this week dont worry ;)
I hope to add 3 others options for this week.