Snes Booty

I agree with the message though........come on Squidge, pull your finger out!!

I could make a snes emu for the GP2x in hours (perfect sound/gfx etc.) <_<

Its not difficult.............wait a minute..........there I go dreaming again. :blink:

Take all the time in the world mate, I wish you the best of luck with it!!! :D
Squidge posted on Feb 13 2006 at 10:20 AM said:
Yup, kids that are too young for this stuff wouldn't understand it unless they are really corrupt anyway, so why worry about it ;)
Yeah but what about what quiest said. Do you want to be responsible for another comic that will warp a small child's mind ? Do you ? Huh ?
Well bring on the booty then :P
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Squidge posted on Feb 13 2006 at 10:20 AM said:
Yup, kids that are too young for this stuff wouldn't understand it unless they are really corrupt anyway, so why worry about it ;)

Oh does that meen im corrupt???? Darn it...

Hanz™ posted on Feb 13 2006 at 10:56 AM said:
Goity! naw(mcx)! Avert your eyes!

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taras posted on Feb 13 2006 at 04:10 PM said:
these cartoons have offended me. i'm going to go burn down an embassy. what country are you from again?
Looooooool :D
(quite sad actually that there are people who act like this).

anyways, wtf does it matter if "kids" see this?
Im 16 so I am a kid, but I doubt this would offend anyone who is 16 years old, lol.
Just have fun reading the cartoons.
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taras posted on Feb 13 2006 at 03:10 PM said:
these cartoons have offended me. i'm going to go burn down an embassy. what country are you from again?
He's from Germany, but you're out of luck, as I've already burnt it down.
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Hanz™ posted on Feb 13 2006 at 10:56 AM said:
Goity! naw(mcx)! Avert your eyes!
I don't understand this weird alternative comedy(tm)

By the way, if you watch any of CBBC's shows, they're full of "references", but it doesn't matter, since nobody young understands it.

Nobody that naive looks at these boards anyway, apart from maybe Naw(MCX)
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His name is (naw)mcx, not naw(mcx) like some others have said. :)
Nice comics btw, 'sexual references are always funny'.
Is it rare or something?

Not a real difficult game, but still loved it, together with the other game's in it's serie. :P
taras posted on Feb 13 2006 at 05:10 PM said:
these cartoons have offended me. i'm going to go burn down an embassy. what country are you from again?
Hahahaha, pwned!

Jegriva posted on Feb 13 2006 at 08:36 PM said:
Wow, a Terranigma cart!
I have one too. I don`t think they are too rare.
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For the record; I'm not offended per se ... but why is this in the general section? I come here for information on the GP2X, not crude, misogynist 'humor'
Umm... it has a GP2X! Sleeping with other handheld consoles! (well, not this one, but I'm sure the next one will) And sexual references! It's basically pretty much the same as every other topic here.